While staring only at the limitations, you cannot see the solution or manifestation. Replace the limitations with the divine’s unwavering faith that can move mountains. Replace it knowing the infinite intelligence is in you, with you and guiding you to triumph. Danny G.
Recognize Your Power
Recognize your worth, your power through the infinite and limitless energy you are. Faith in oneself is the best means to achieve your desires. Combine it with persistence and perseverance, and you’ll tread mountains before you. Danny G.
Reawakening to be Self Aware
Take this adversity as a reawakening to be self aware. The challenge was created for you to seek within and conquer. Nothing is too challenging for you, and nothing is outside your reach. Declare, I see this as an opportunity to overcome and thrive. Danny G.
Powerful Deliberate Creator
Fear often stems from powerlessness and lack of control. When we feel we have no control, we feel caged in with a fate outside our reach. Realize your power through thoughts, words and behavior. That’s the only control you’ll ever have. Your reaction determines everything including the life that unfolds. Declare I’m in control, I’m a powerful deliberate creator bound to succeed and thrive. Danny G.
Personal Growth and Success
The hardships we encounter often add to our personal growth and success. Do not resist or fight your challenges consistently without a means to an end. Embrace them for what they are, simple reminders to expand with the universe. Your soul chose this challenge for your own evolution and journey to success. Danny G.
Perspective and a Choice
Don’t allow the dysfunction to turn you bitter or pessimistic, for dysfunction is a perspective and a choice. We can take the dysfunction, and feed our anger, or we can create in the midst of chaos and havoc. There can be stillness within the chaos, havoc or dysfunction. It’s a matter of perception and finding clarity within the storm. Finding clarity within the storm means letting go, embracing mindfulness, and embracing the deliberate creator you’re born to be. Danny G.
An Expression Of the Divine
You are an expression of the divine in the jungles of time and space. You are bound to experience who you truly are, a spiritual warrior destined to thrive. Whatever you give out, you receive back. Give joy, and you will receive joy in return. Love life, and compassion will follow you wherever you go. Practice unwavering faith, and life will show you the power of your mind. Danny G.
A Sense Of Purpose
Finding a sense of purpose in life is essential to your well being and happiness. When you feel you contribute to the world, inner satisfaction fills your heart and soul. We are meant to share what we have, and what we are. Find that purpose and passion that stirs within the depth of your being. Allow it to flourish for your evolution, and all those lives you touch. Danny G.
Our Greatest Power
What we are doing right now is carving the path before us. Our power lies in our thoughts, words and actions. Within it all lies the deliberate creators we are, bound for success if we simply believe with unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.
Opinions and Perspectives
Let go of the misconceptions that were said about you, for they are merely an opinion and perspective of misalignment. Embrace who you truly are, a divine being of light, destined to thrive. The true definition of you dwells in the divinity you are. Danny G.