The Greatest

God created you with uniqueness and authenticity. Do not condemn it, nor look down on it in confusion or dismay. For some of the weakest became the strongest, and some of the greatest were born in affliction. Danny G. 

Improving Your Expectations

Improve your expectations and see the greatness within you. See the potential within you. See the Phoenix you’re destined to be. Don’t settle into mediocrity or fall into the hands of others. Carve your path, declare your vision and see it through until the very end. Danny G. 

Break the Boundaries

What was accomplished yesterday could be your indication it can be accomplished today, and what wasn’t accomplished yesterday, can be your indication to break the boundaries, and allow your authenticity to shine through. Danny G. 

Bound to Manifest

Seeking the solution means going beyond what is troubling you, and focusing on the desired outcome. You focus on the desired outcome by being optimistic, faithful and compassionate. You focus on the solution when you quiet your mind and listen. When you’re in this space, it’s bound to manifest. Danny G. 

Blessing and Prosperity

Don’t wait a lifetime for what is meant for you this very day. When the opportunity presents itself, take inspired action to your dream. For a man can spend a lifetime preparing and never arrive at his destination. But the one who is wise, who knows the ideal timing, and who knows not to procrastinate, will enter his season of blessing and prosperity. Danny G. 

The Inevitable Change

Life is a constant evolution that never ceases to be. You’re always in the process of transformation and personal growth. Learn to ride the current, and be at peace with the storm. When you’re at peace with the storm, and the inevitable process of change, you can tread mountains before you, and you’re being the phoenix you were created to be. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

We are a repetition of our every thought, word and action. Our present is molded by our past, and our future is molded by our present. Danny G. 

The Hero Resides in You

Expectations can sometimes lead to disappointments if you attach to it for your own happiness. Have expectations, but know at times you must fall before finding success. You must fall to know yourself better. And you must fall to realize the greatest hero resides in you. Danny G. 

The Greater Version Of Ourselves 

Don’t allow others to persuade you into someone you’re not. Everyone has the right to be themselves. Our authenticity and uniqueness calls us to be the greater version of ourselves. Don’t suppress it, or settle into mediocrity. You have something to share with the world, and that includes you. Danny G.