Do you want to experience the pain of regrets, or do you want to experience the discomfort of taking risks? Taking risks opens the door to new possibilities and success. The one who plays it safe all the time remains, while the one who takes risks turn their obstacles into breakthroughs. Danny G.
Contemplate your negative habits. Reflect on which habits are conducive to your health and happiness, and which habits are conducive to greater strife and lack. Let go of negative attachments, and embraced the new. Danny G.
Renewing Yourself
Transformation is constantly happening. It’s a constant ongoing process on an evolution to personal growth. Don’t deny it, and keep renewing yourself into the greatest version of you. Keep a relationship with your higher self, and you’ll never fall astray. Inevitably, you’ll always find your way back home. Danny G.
Be Patient With Yourself
Be patient with yourself. Don’t allow mistakes or failures to create havoc within you. Give yourself some space for solitude, to seek inward and to quiet your mind. You’ll discover this is the best means to be productive, to thrive, and to triumph. Danny G.
The Treasure House Of Infinity
Inspiration comes from within, and from personal experience. Combine it with wisdom and an attentive ear, and you’ll discover the treasure house of infinity within you. From this space, inventions are created, art is created, literature is created, and all heavenly creation stems from this source. Be still, listen and be guided from within. Danny G.
The Powerful Warrior
You have a powerful warrior inside your body which is your mind and soul. Learn how to utilize it for your benefit and others. You can be, do and have anything you want with persistence and faith. Just ensure your desires are aligned with God’s will, and then allow it to flourish. Danny G.
Keep Pushing Through
You may feel exhausted at times as though your challenges are wearing you down. You may feel overwhelmed beyond reason and doubt. You may feel confused in the mist and fog. Keep pushing forward, the fog will dissipate as the sun shines above the misty sky, in the broad daylight. You can always find light as you persist with faith and love in your heart. With perseverance and strength, triumph is inevitable, if you keep pushing through. Danny G.
The Power Lies in Your Hands
Happiness is within your reach when you seek inward and change your perspective. Not holding yourself accountable for your own happiness is not accepting your responsibility. The power lies in your hands to see change come to pass. Accept your strength, your faith and resilience to come back home. Danny G.
Seeking Self Love
You can allow others to create your happiness and bliss, or you can create your own happiness and bliss. When you allow others to create it for you, you will be tossed and turned by the waves of the sea. For others will fail from time to time, and seeking outwardly for love negates the most important person which is you. Seek independence, seek self reliance, seek self love and then the world will correspond to your inner world. Danny G.
Releasing the Ego
The more we release our ego, the more we become in alignment with ourselves, our creator and source. As we peel alway the layers of our ego, our aspirations and dreams spring forth for their calling. Stop suppressing them, release it and embrace the new. Danny G.