
Asking who you truly are, and what you’re meant to do, begins the unfolding of your life and future. Fill in the blanks with can dos, experience and knowledge. Experiment knowing the divine is for you, not against you. Know that when you unite your plans and will with God, he will intervene for your greatest good. Danny G. 

Release the Misconceptions

Release the contradictions and misconceptions that surround your outer world. For when you attach to the misconceptions, you cannot allow and embrace the new. Your outer world can attack your inner world if you allow it to. Seek your inner world, your inner truth and alignment with the divine, and your outer world will reflect your inner world. Danny G. 

Always Another Layer

You’re an ever changing being, and you never cease to exist. Your spiritual evolution calls you for your greatest good and to help others along the way. Your evolution is ultimately for your greatest joy, success and purpose. Don’t forget that, when you seek to find yourself, for there’s always another layer to unfold. Danny G. 

The Phoenix You’re Born To Be

Your opinion of yourself is based on past recollection. It’s based on assumptions from the past. Practice mindfulness and know you are creating the future in the moment. Every time your mind wonders back on lack or past trauma, remember the deliberate creator you are, and the Phoenix you’re born to be. Danny G. 

The Algorithm Of Life

You only have so much energy for the day. You can focus on faith or lack. Either choice has benefits or consequences. Use your energy in a productive way, to grow, to refocus and to become the best version of you. Everyone is in the process of creation and discovery. Use the algorithm of life for your greatest good, and the greatest good of humanity. Danny G.  

Powerful or Powerless

Do you want someone to tell you that you are a powerful creator, or that you’re powerless?Being a powerful creator is acknowledging and accepting we control and guide our life with our choices, persistence and faith. Saying you are powerless is stating the conditions of your life are dictating your life story. Know the deliberate creator you are, and know you always write the script. Danny G. 

Opportunities Instead Of Barriers

If you look merely at your current reality, you risk creating the same reality again and again. Deliberate creators look at the present and see opportunities where others would see barriers. They see potential where others would see infirmities. They see faith and persistence as a means to unleash their breakthrough and success. Danny G. 

Great Men Of Faith

Inspiration and wisdom originates from the divine. When you feel these insights calling for action, take the leap and declare your faith. You can walk in circles for a lifetime and play it safe in fear of failure. But great men of faith who achieved greatness took their risks and turned them into breakthroughs. Danny G. 

Dared to Trust and Believe

Even though your life may seem troublesome and bleak,  and you feel incomplete or overwhelmed, I can assure you if you persist with faith and love in your heart, your destination is bound to manifest. For every great master and every great pioneer was standing exactly where you are today, and they dared to trust and believe. Danny G. 

The Mountain Top

The journey will have ups and downs as you tread the path to your destination. Let the mountain top be your inspiration and guiding light. Don’t allow the uphills to discourage you and cause you to give in. Every great men of faith fell from time to time, but what made them great was they got up and persisted with faith. Eventually, as they were steadfast to their dream, they received their breakthrough and success. Danny G.