Your Innermost Desires

Believe in the God or Goddess you are, living in this miraculous body, in the jungles of time and space. Whatever one has achieved, so can you, and whatever hasn’t been done, you can set the new standard on your earthly mission. Be deliberate, and intentional, and allow God to manifest your innermost desires, and triumph. Danny G.

Create With Passion

If this source of God loves you as you are, unconditionally, why wouldn’t he have your best interests at heart? If he dwells inside your heart and mind, why wouldn’t he give you the answers? Your doubt blocks it, but your faith welcomes this life force to surge through your body, and create intentionally with passion. With this, anything is possible. Danny G.

Be Intentional

Your present self is a reflection of your passed thoughts, words, and actions. To create a new you and a better life, you must focus your energy inward and rewrite your current beliefs and philosophies. You cannot create new with the old information, nor can you have much improvements from remaining with the old self. Therefore, be intentional, and rework your newly desired thought. Rework it so much, that it becomes your new reality, and success. Plan for it, hope for it, and speak about it, until it becomes your new life story and triumph. Danny G.

Create Your Trend

To be your authentic self, you must move away from the trend. For as long as the trend lives in your mind, making it your reality, you cannot create intentionally, and produce meaningful change. You perpetuate the trend by making it your entire focus, and giving it all your attention. Create a new trend that is aligned with the unique soul that you are. When you do this, only then can you unleash your greatness and untapped potential within. Danny G.

Soul Mates

A soul mate is someone who resonates with your very core. It’s someone who understands you, and brings out the very depth of your being. It’s someone who brings your potential to life, with the very best intentions at heart. There are many soul mates, but one or a few, you may choose in your lifetime. They’re destined to cross your path at the ideal timing, so don’t fight it, or try to force it into being. Allow the seasons to unfold in their divine timing as they should, and you’ll cross paths, when your soul is ready to embark. Danny G.

Your Power and Gifting

You are the masterpiece of your life, therefore, create intentionally while knowing imagination is what springs forth all happiness and triumph. Every single trophy had to be created by man’s skillful hands, and it was delivered to man’s gifted hands. Therefore, know your power, your gifting, and your role in the evolution of your journey.  Danny G. 

Creating A Masterpiece

It all starts with a baby step, then it catapults into your every desire. The one aspect that brought it forth was your very thought and intent. Therefore, know that your baby steps are serving a purpose, and they’re vital in creating a masterpiece, destined to be yours. Danny G. 

The Intentions for the Journey

You can get so attached and entwined in this reality, you forget about hope and faith, and why you embarked on this journey. You get twisted up, and tangled, forgetting there’s always a means of escape. So seek within, know your power, declare your faith, and you’ll discover a wold inside, always willing to bring you back home. Danny G.

The Deliberate Creator

Everything that you desire is for the purpose of joy and fulfillment. That dream that is not manifesting is creating so much discord, you forgot why you wanted it in the first place. There was a time, you were excited, happy, and fulfilled. Over time, you allowed life to wear you down, and you dreaded the absence of your desire. You allowed the tide to overtake you and control you. Don’t allow it to linger, and don’t be dependent on something outside of you for joy. Recognize your power, your growth, and the deliberate creator you were born to be. Danny G. 

Love and A Reflection of You

You move in and out of relationships, only seeking solace for your troubled mind. You fail to love yourself, so you seek it through others, and they fail you every time. How many will it take for you to open your eyes? You’re worth more than abuse and people who leave you aside.  You enter in with love you know will end, and you enter in with the wrong intentions again and again. You fail to see what’s in front of your eyes, because you feel unworthy and incapable of love. Don’t spend a lifetime waiting, for love doesn’t make you feel lost and confused, love reminds you about the magnificent person you are. Danny G.