Pursue It in Unity

When you want to achieve a breakthrough, pursue it with unity in your heart. Know that you are interconnected with everyone and everything. Don’t seek it out of separation, or the ego, for divinity doesn’t dwell in the ego, divinity dwells in all that is. Danny G. 

Interconnected Spirit

The word God can have many misconceptions. You can see him as an outside force deciding everything for humanity. You can see him as a vengeful and jealous God, or a judging source. Or you can see him as an extension of you helping you choose the right path, and an interconnected spirit that transcends the universe. Danny G. 

The Spiritual Warrior

Everyone on your path has something to teach, something to remember, and something that seems outside your reach. Interconnection is your greatest teacher. When you combine others teachings with your own experience and insights, you experience what you’re meant to be on this physical plane. You grow, you stretch your faith, and you become the spiritual warrior you’re destined to be. Danny G.  

Be Led By Compassion

Appreciate the interconnection of everyone. For when you do, there is no separation or competition, for everyone has their role to play for a brighter humanity. Be led by compassion, for when everyone is led by compassion, it creates global peace and transformation. Danny G. 

Destined to Grow

You come into this world to learn the truths that govern humanity. You come into this world to know the infinite limitless being you are. You come into this world to know we’re all interconnected, and we’re all in this together. You learn these truths for your own well being and the well being of others. By knowing these truths, you impart them to the world as a seed destined to grow. Danny G. 

All Interconnected

God is not on the outside of you and the universe. God is in every particle and species in the universe. When you declare God is on the outside, you declare separation. God is unity, male, female, humanity and every particle in the world. Whatever you give or share to another, you also give to yourself, since we are all one in many different forms. Whatever growth you achieve, you grow for humanity at large. We’re all interconnected, so know your role serves a purpose in the expansion of the universe. Danny G. 

Always Expanding

God’s laws cannot be extinguished. They always have been and always will be. Your role is to utilize them for your benefit and for others, and to expand with them. God’s laws says I am, and you say I am, and therefore you add to the whole. You grow and by doing so, so do others since we’re all interconnected. Yesterday wasn’t wrong, it was just a different season, and every day is a new creation and a new expansion. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

Don’t condemn yourself for wanting wealth. For we are all interconnected, and if we were all wealthy, we’d all have a shelter, plenty to eat, and plenty to give. Danny G.

Quote for Today

If I did as much as help myself through my writing, I did as much as help others. For we are all one in many different forms. And we are all one in many different dwelling places. Danny G.

Making A Difference

All of us want to be of value to others. We have this inner desire to make a difference in the world, because by making a difference, we know we have a purpose. Making a difference can be as simple as changing a life or it can be I changed humanity.

Many of our goals and aspirations come from an inner desire to create a positive change in the world. Do you want to get to the end of your life saying I only lived for myself? Life and the world is an interconnection of everyone who lives on this planet. We are all one in many different forms bound to come across each other’s path at one point or another.

Do you want to come to the end of your life saying I achieved great things, however, I achieved them only for myself, or at the expense of others? You want to come to the end of your life saying, I made a difference in my friend’s life, or I made a difference that impacted the world, ultimately for my own journey. Danny G.