Inspiration to Bring You Back Home

Even though your intuition causes you to go left, look at the reasons within it. Though life has a delay or detour leaving you lost, seek inward. For within that event often comes enlightenment and inspiration to bring you back home. Danny G. 

You’re Paving the Path

Your inner guidance is always within you, directing you. At times that wisdom shows up as signs to take action or take a step back. It’s better to hear it in the early stages and act on it than wait for a crisis. You can always take action, even in the midst of great adversities. If you take action early, you’re paving the path before you for greater success. Danny G. 

Dare to Believe

God speaks to us through thoughts, feelings and experiences. Combined together with action and perseverance, growth is inevitable. At times the guidance comes as intuition or a sign. It may come as inspiration to move forward, or as a recurring experience that prompts us to action. Don’t deny it, don’t suppress it, and when inspiration calls you, dare to believe and persevere. Danny G. 

The Greatest Leader

You are your own leader, your own teacher and your own seeker. A thought leader doesn’t push you to seek outside yourself for the answers or solutions. A leader reminds you about what your soul already knows. He reminds you of your intuition, your inner wisdom, and the authentic being you truly are. Danny G. 

Defining Yourself

The moment you let others define who you are, is the moment you lose your intuition and wisdom. For you cannot define yourself from another’s perspective. Don’t allow others to conform you. Speak to yourself, and allow your authenticity and uniqueness to shine through. Danny G.

Intuition to Thrive

When you feel that inner conflict with your soul from misconceptions, preconceptions and mistranslations, return to your inner wisdom and seek within. All answers are through seeking inward through the divinity we are. When we seek inward, we don’t need another to show us the path, we gladly allow those to teach, but we have our intuition to thrive. Danny G. 


Don’t focus on others beliefs and expectations, for they’re operating under the law of their conscience, thereby creating from negative beliefs. Focus on your intuition, wisdom and your CAN DO spirit. When you act on these beliefs aligned with the divine, miracles happen and unleash for your greatest good and calling. Danny G. 

Return to Silence

When you feel overwhelmed beyond reason, or you feel the opposition pulling through, return to silence, your true medicine and healing. Silence doesn’t feel anger, fear or resentment. Silence returns to peace, faith and compassion. When you live from this space, you live like the true masters of our time. You can overcome any worldly calamities, and you have the intuition to shine through and conquer. Danny G. 

Trust Your Intuition

Only you know what’s the ideal pathway for your life. Don’t allow others opinions or misconceptions to steer you off course. Trust your own power, intuition, and what you came forth to be, and you’ll discover the world you never knew through the senses of source. Danny G. 

Mastering Your Reaction

The exterior is sometimes beyond our reach. But if you seek within, you’ll find the answers you’re looking for, and you’ll have the intuition to manifest your deepest desires. Your only control is your reaction to life’s obstacles, and when you master your reaction, you master the game of life. Danny G.