Does anybody ever walk a straight line never wavering at all? At times you lose yourself, and you find yourself again, the journey of life. What do you want, a straight line, or the joy of the journey? What do you want, perfection, or a masterpiece in the midst of imperfection and contrast? Don’t be so destination oriented, focus on your journey, on your happiness, and on your inevitable success. Danny G.
Tend to the Inner You
You can become so immersed into achieving material wealth or attaining a life of luxury that you neglect your spiritual well being. Life is about balance, and it’s fine to want wealth, but don’t neglect yourself in the process. You neglect yourself by thinking wealth is greater than you heart and soul. You neglect yourself by thinking wealth is the only path to joy. Tend to the inner you, be the best version of you, seek balance, and then seek wealth, and allow it to come to fruition. Then you’ll give with love and gratitude in your heart, knowing it was God’s intention from the start. Danny G.
Childlike Spirit
Return to that childlike spirit and learn to not be so serious all the time. Laughter and finding joy in simple pleasures increases your positive energy, thereby attracting more things to appreciate. We can learn a lot from children, by taking these simple pleasures and combining them with wisdom, and an open heart. Danny G.
Personal Transformation
Sadness can lead to transformation if you let it. Every negative emotion can be subject to change when you allow it. At times, it’s the absence of joy, that stimulates its opposite. Other times, it’s our yearning for greater joy that stimulates more joy. Every emotion has an opposite, and when we feel the negative emotion without condemning it, we allow it to subside without fighting against it. In time with faith, it vanishes, and we use the negative for personal transformation, and success. Danny G.
Mastering Mindfulness
Mastery is practicing mindfulness while everything around you is in havoc or chaos. It’s having joy and gratitude despite the storm, and the naysayers. When we acknowledge our power and self control, and don’t allow others to persuade us, the storm can never destroy us. Wisdom guides us as we shine our light for our loved ones and humanity. Danny G.
Follow Your Passion
Follow your passion, what you love to do, and what brings you the greatest joy. That passion stems from the God or Goddess within you. Denying it, is denying who you truly are, and what you came forth to be. Danny G.
Love and Joy in Your Heart
Living life truly fulfilled is knowing you’re being your best where you are, with what you have. You’re a unique soul bound to discover your authenticity and uniqueness. No path is wrong, as long as you pursue it whole heartedly with love and joy in your heart. Danny G.
Truly Fulfilled
Impatience is not being at peace in the present moment. For if you had inner peace and joy, you would already be truly fulfilled. When you’re impatient, uneasiness sets in as you grapple with peace. If you would know there’s an ideal timing for everything, you would stop trying to force it into being. You would smile in appreciation knowing every season has a reason for being, and each season has something to learn, and something to embrace. Danny G.
Indefinitely In Your Heart
Your insecurities mirror back your reality, which is why you find yourself yearning and yearning again and again. You want something authentic, and genuine, but you find yourself in relationships that remind you of everything you’re not. Love is an expression of who you are, so as long as you carry those insecurities, your relationships will remind you of them again. Be yourself, accept it, embrace it, and then true joy will find its way indefinitely in your heart. Danny G.
Essentially Who You Are
There are two voices inside your mind vying for your attention at all times. One speaks of truth, freedom, joy, peace, love, and all the good in the universe. The other speaks of pessimism, bitterness, fear and anything that contradicts the source within you. Which voice do you want to listen to, and which voice is essentially who you truly are? Danny G.