Growing Spiritually

Being in alignment is seeking inward to know ourselves and our power. When we devote our lives for the purpose of growing spiritually, we know we can tackle whatever comes our way. We know nothing is impossible, as we have the power to change in the palm of our hands. By changing our lives, inevitably, we change whomever crosses our path. Growing on a spiritual level is our true purpose and calling, and it will bring the ultimate joy and happiness. Danny G.

Embracing the Journey

We spend our lives waiting for those experiences and achievements, that are not yet our reality today. We focus on them so much that we forget to live for today, and we don’t realize the things we wished for yesterday, is our reality today. So give thanks, and take notice while expecting your dreams to flourish tomorrow. If you don’t, you’ll wake up at 80 and realize you missed the journey. It is great to have aspirations and dreams, and taking action to make them a reality. But when your sole focus is on tomorrow, you miss the journey, your growth, and all the reasons to just be the joyous soul you came forth to be. Danny G.

Joy and Freedom

Joy is the reason for being. If something brings you joy, and peace, embrace it, allow it, and let it unfold as it should. Know that God wants nothing less than for you to be happy, at peace, and truly fulfilled. When you realize this, you know what true freedom is, and you know you’re destined for happiness and success. Danny G.

Seek Joy and Growth

Everyone has a place in the world, and we all have our share to create a greater humanity. Just make sure you’re shedding light, not darkness, and don’t fight contrast or others’ perceptions. Accept that everyone’s journey is unique, as we’re all imparting a seed in some form. We tread the path of imperfections, on a journey of trial and error to our destination. The most important element is acknowledging our progress and always seeking growth. Danny G.

Savor It

Moments pass, and years accumulate,

Into a world we once perceived. 

Nevertheless, it’s all creation

As though an artist paints and moves the clay.

We stand still, in silence, 

We can hear the music play,

The music plays in harmony

Of the present, past,

Smudges of paint

And some a masterpiece.

Some moments vanish,

But memories still remain, 

As we contemplate

Those distant memories again.

Some brings joy, 

And some sadness,

Always lessons and wisdom 

Contained within.

Let’s sit here, appreciate 

What it brought the journey within.

But let’s never forget

To savor it all,

And that includes the gift of today. Danny G.

Taking A Leap

Don’t wait until the storm passes by before taking a leap into the unknown. Don’t wait for a perfect moment to move forward and thrive. Don’t wait until you convince yourself otherwise. Be the leader, choose your life path with joy and gratitude in your heart. When you follow this path, you’re destined to change your life, and the world in which ever way you choose. Danny G. 

Believe and Persevere

Steer away from anything that blocks happiness and spiritual growth, for anything that hinders joy and growth, does not come from God. Guard your heart, and know that with it, you can flourish and move mountains if you simply believe. Danny G.

Seeking Balance and Growth

Life cannot be a constant high with no battles to fight. Nor can it be a constant low without you creating the essence of those thoughts. Therefore seek balance, where contentment and joy lies. Embrace the journey, with all the falls and detours. For without it all, there is no journey, and without it all, you wouldn’t have a reference point for choice and creation. Danny G.

Focusing on the Outcome

Ponder a subject long enough and you’ll create its very existence. For whatever you give perpetual great emotion, the manifestation begins. You can stop anything from occurring if you simply change your focus, and release pessimism, fears and dread. When you focus on a brighter outcome with perpetual faith and joy, the manifestation begins. Focus on it long enough, and you’ll create the very essence of your intention and desire. Danny G.

Allow It

As you leave your youth behind, embrace change, seasons and growth. Do not cling to the past and want to relive it again and again. Aging, loss, and daily obligations are all part of our journey in this physical plane. Throughout it all, comes wisdom, joy, and a destination for the soul. Allow it to unfold as it should, for you, your loved ones, and the evolution of humanity. Danny G.