Predestined Relationships

Some people will only love you during certain seasons when everything seems great beneath the bright soaring sun. Others will watch you at your lowest point and know undoubtedly the greatness you were born to be. These are the ones meant for you, and these are the ones who will ultimately bring you joy and shape your destiny. Danny G.

Let Joy and Love Rule

If you let the addiction rule, you will always need a higher fix to be satisfied. But if you let joy and love rule, the addiction will no longer have a place. For you cannot feel joy and love and need something outside of yourself for greater joy. For joy and love is enough, and joy and love doesn’t seek outside oneself for its fulfillment. Danny G.

Acting With Love

Are you acting out of anger, or love? Anger never brings inner peace and happiness, but love is the best gateway to your personal freedom and joy. It’s also contagious, and it illuminates the path for all the lives you touch, for you cannot help but lead by the clarity of your example. Therefore, ask yourself every time your emotions are slipping, am I acting out of anger or love? Danny G.

Seek Joy Not Sorrow

If you want to win the battle in your mind, seek forgiveness, don’t seek revenge. For seeking revenge never brings inner peace and joy, as it only brings sorrow in the end. You created your own prison by feeling bitterness and resentment, and it only brought you sadness and misery. So do yourself a favor, today seek joy, not sorrow. Danny G.

A Product of Your Creation

The list of opposites is infinite, as you can either impart peace or chaos, faith or fear, joy or sorrow, love or anger. What do you wish to impart for yourself and others? You are a product of your creation, the good, the bad, the everything of you, and the whole of who you are. Nobody is going to get it perfect, without weaknesses or trials, but the hope is that you project more lightness than darkness, and become the essence of who you are. Danny G.

Always Room for Growth

How do you focus on a new story when you’re sick and broke? Distract yourself from the current situation, and focus on wellness and prosperity. Focus on what brings joy, and focus on all the reasons you can summon to live. Once you noticed progress, know that’s your indication, you’re always in control. And know that’s your indication, there’s always room for growth. Danny G.

Your Soul Speaking to You

Don’t overcomplicate life with should have’s, as if there’s only one winding road. If something feels good to you and you have peace about it, even if it defies logic, move forward. If you feel peace about it, it’s your soul speaking to you, saying take the first step. Don’t deny that feeling of joy and peace for someone else’s misalignment. Nobody knows you better than you, and only you can direct the ultimate unfolding of your life story. Danny G.

Creation and Karma

You set your own rules of the game, but always remember actions have either positive rewards or negative consequences. Make sure you create something meaningful, something you’re proud of, and something that makes you happy. Isn’t joy the reason we want anything? Therefore, creation is precious, karmic, and it should always include what brings the ultimate joy, not sorrow. Danny G.

Yearning and Manifestation

A yearning is the beginning to life’s every desire. Every desire has a means of manifestation, if we look within and persist. The path will be shown step by step as we march forward with our vision at the forefront. Challenges come and go as we tread the path of our divine mission.  With every challenge, comes seasons, growth, and newfound romance. A simple persistence and simple optimism with a sturdy vision, always brings about the best outcome and joy out of life. Danny G.