We live in a time where all the knowledge of the world is at our fingertips. It all depends how you utilize that knowledge. You can focus on pessimism, fear and bitterness, or you can focus on optimism, faith and compassion. At times, we cannot control our environment, but we can still be the best version of ourselves while reaching out a helping hand. Danny G.
Your Soul’s Desire
The soul’s desires is to experience itself fully through the divinity it is. Have faith, gather knowledge, experience and remember your origin. Freedom is essentially what the soul desires, and when seeking freedom and God, you cannot get it wrong. You’re fully aware of your soul’s purpose, and you know it’s aligned with the divinity you are. Danny G.
They Paved the Path For You
History is for you. The greatest minds and leaders of the past paved the path for you. With this knowledge, you can do even greater. Every generation has something to give, and something to teach. What do you wish to impart for the next generation? Danny G.
Seek Wisdom and Apply It
Knowledge without action leads to nowhere. Knowledge with action, wisdom and persistence will yield your every desire. You can gather all the knowledge in the world, and still lack, or you can gather knowledge, seek wisdom and apply it. Danny G.
Blocking the Noise
You need to quiet your mind, hear him, know him and have no doubt. Block out the noise, and embrace your heart and soul. Know this stillness and tranquility lives inside you at all times. With this stillness lies a world of knowledge and your potential within. Embrace it, claim it yours, and let it become the essence of who you are. Danny G.
Inner Peace That Surpasses Understanding
You can seek merely worldly knowledge, or you can seek your inner wisdom. Worldly knowledge will only get you so far, but your wisdom within, will find you shelter in the storm, faith over fear, and an inner peace that surpasses all understanding. Danny G.
Recognize Your Worth
Not every leader and master was born in great knowledge and wealth. Some were born in chaos and havoc, and some suffered turmoil and anguish. Others lived very ordinary lives. Remember this when you feel unworthy and incapable. Know everyone has their own journey and beginning. Remember the phoenix you were born to be, and remember the most important season is recognizing your own worth. Realize there’s a world of knowledge waiting for you to claim yours. Danny G.
Spiritual Warriors
Wisdom is learned or remembered through contemplation, reflection and stillness. It’s combining experience with knowledge and choosing what’s ultimately best for our soul. When we live from this space, nothing is impossible, and we become the spiritual warriors destined to be. Danny G.
Experience As the Greatest Teacher
Experience combined with wisdom and an open mind is the greatest teacher, for that epiphany couldn’t have happened without the experience that brought you there. You had to have a spiritual awakening to know who you truly are, your depth and your reason for being. You had to have an epiphany to know your origin and the source that created you and is in you. The experience is never an accident, and if you listen to the experience and what it taught you, you would realize everything is orchestrated in divine order and timing.
Get beyond the experience by seeking inward to know its purpose for being. For when you seek within and back away, you can see the experience with a new perspective. New perspectives create a new reality.
Experience can either pull us back or move us forward. It all depends on our reaction to the experience, and if we choose to seek inward. Seeking inward means seeing the experience as the God or Goddess within you would see it. It’s realizing our higher self is always seeking growth, and when we embrace that, growth is inevitable.
There is a God or Goddess inside you at all time wanting you to seek it, for it knows the ideal pathway for your life. This God or Goddess knows how to react to new experiences and challenges. It knows how to overcome and conquer, and it knows how to reach the mountain top. This God or Goddess can do anything you want, you just have to be in alignment with it.
Being in alignment with it means you think like it, you speak like it, and you follow its inspired action steps. The only control you have is through thought, word, and action, and when you allow the divine to guide your every thought, word, and action, anything is possible.
You probably heard the scripture “with God, all things are possible.” Realize this God lives inside you at all times providing you with the insight, inspiration, and wisdom you need for your unique journey, and experience.
Recognize your depth, your strength, your wisdom through the God or Goddess you are, and don’t ever shrink back. Realize nothing is too difficult for the GREAT I AM!
Redefining Moment
Quiet your mind, seek wisdom while knowing experience and exploration brings you newfound knowledge. Self discovery sometimes reveals the dark places during the cold wintery nights. Embrace yourself, don’t condemn it, and allow the journey to redefine you into the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.