The Greatest Unknown

You’re scared of believing a new philosophy. You’re scared of letting go of the old. Whatever has been passed down to you, you hold onto it relentlessly. Don’t be scared of the unknown, for out of the unknown lies your greatest vantage point to create anew. Danny G. 

Shifting Your Energy

Those disappointments you’re holding onto is the burden on your shoulders. You more you hold onto those attachments with great intensity, the more weight you carry on your shoulders. Letting go is shifting your energy from negative attachments to positive creation. Danny G. 

Uniquely You

Do not seek to find the one and only path. Choose what resonates with you, and let go of the rest. You may find much enlightenment from one philosophy or one leader, but it shouldn’t stop there. You are the master of your own ship. You don’t need another to tell you this is the one and only way. You have the wisdom within you. You have infinite intelligence within you. Every great leader that walked this earth didn’t confine to one system. They remained authentic, steadfast and that’s what it means to be uniquely you. Danny G. 

Redefine the Past

Don’t let the past create your future. Holding onto the past is not embracing what is right in front of you. Right in front of you lies your power and potential for change. You can let the past define you, or you can redefine the past with a greater life and future. Danny G. 

Feel It and Let Go

We create our own punishments by harboring our anger, confusion and bitterness. We believe they must be punished for mistreated us, but we are punishing ourselves by holding onto these negative emotions. Feel it, let go and embrace your freedom rather than holding onto negative attachment. Danny G. 

Rely On You

Basing our every decision on a rule book or history book from the past stunts growth and evolution. Keep the wisdom that resonates with you, but there’s nothing wrong with exploration, experience and seeking inward. Exploration and experience are your greatest teachers, for they do not say this is the one and only path. They teach you to rely on you, your higher self and inner wisdom. Danny G. 

Listen to Your Subconscious Mind

Sometimes your past creeps in reminding you of past hurts and disappointments. It can grab a hold on you if you allow it. Listen to your subconscious mind, and let your subconscious become conscious. At times, we don’t listen or we’re not aware about our subconscious thoughts. Seeking inward is the best medicine for your mind and soul. Listen to it, become self aware and let this be your new intention for personal growth and transformation. Danny G. 

A New Mentality

In order to embrace a new mentality, you must get rid of the old mentality. Release your limiting beliefs, expectations and failures. Embrace personal growth and spiritual transformation. From this space comes true change. By changing what’s inside, you change the exterior as well. Danny G. 

A Time Out

When you quiet your mind and find stillness, those things that used to trigger you diminishes and dissipates. Those triggers need aggravation to perpetuate. Tranquility is the opposite of fighting and resisting. Whatever you fight steals your energy and motivation. Stillness provides productivity and personal growth. A time out is simply a time into your full potential. Danny G. 

The Right Motives

Reality is always changing and evolving. Don’t base your life on past situations, events and circumstances. Don’t base it on environments that only last a season. Create your new reality based on faith, optimism and compassion. That is the process of changing your life inside out. Danny G.