The Process Of Transformation

You can always reject what doesn’t serve you, or what no longer serves you. Don’t be confined to a cage with misconceptions, pessimism and fears. Learn to let go and let wisdom and love rule your heart and soul. You’re always in the process of transformation, and letting go is the best means of bringing in more good and releasing the old. Danny G. 

The Process Of Expansion

We move through seasons with the inevitable changes of life as we yearn for growth and new experiences. Accepting and embracing means being aware of the changing seasons, and letting go of negative attachments. It’s being aware life is always in the process of expansion for ourselves and humanity. Learn to walk with it, and be the best you in the midst of it. There is beauty in each season if we dare to look beyond the ego and embrace the new. Danny G. 

Inner Motivation

Inner motivation is alignment with the divine. It’s releasing the ego, and embracing your journey of growth and discovery. It’s an ongoing practice of transformation and embracing the new. Release the attachments, embrace change and embrace the spiritual being you truly are. Danny G. 

Releasing the Ego

The more we release our ego, the more we become in alignment with ourselves, our creator and source. As we peel alway the layers of our ego, our aspirations and dreams spring forth for their calling. Stop suppressing them, release it and embrace the new. Danny G. 

The Phoenix You’re Born To Be

Your opinion of yourself is based on past recollection. It’s based on assumptions from the past. Practice mindfulness and know you are creating the future in the moment. Every time your mind wonders back on lack or past trauma, remember the deliberate creator you are, and the Phoenix you’re born to be. Danny G. 

The Path Of Wisdom

Wisdom doesn’t force things into being. Wisdom allows the divine to unfold seasons in its timing. It doesn’t cling to what’s no longer working. It clings to the new vision of itself. Wisdom contemplates, reflects and seeks God’s will above all things, because wisdom knows God’s will is the ultimate path and ultimate best. Danny G. 

Let go and Embrace the New

Stillness, tranquility and inner peace is what allows you to access your wisdom. When your mind is bombarded with everything but the present moment, you cannot access your inner guidance. A chaotic mind creates a turbulent life. Let go of the past, embrace the new, be the deliberate creator you’re born to be, and bound to thrive. Danny G. 

Entertain the Right Thoughts

Don’t feed the anger. Don’t feed the pessimism. And don’t feed the bitterness. Feed those emotions that cause enlightenment, wisdom and inspiration. Feed those emotions that cause compassion and acceptance. Feed the feelings of abundance and prosperity. Learn to entertain the right thoughts, and let go of the rest. Danny G. 

Overcame and Conquered

Even though the past comes back with fear and trepidation, remember those times you overcame and conquered. Don’t allow the past trauma to dictate your future. Accept your past with loving eyes, knowing it’s all part of your success and your journey back home. Danny G.