For every season that ends, there’s a realization you won’t walk through this same door again. If you stay focused on this closed chapter, you may not see all the other possibilities. They’re waiting for you if you simply let go and embrace the new opportunities destined to be. Keep an open mind, and know everything comes at the ideal time. Danny G.
Your Ultimate Power
Nothing controls you other than what you’re allowing to control you. The reason you believe this adversity is controlling you is because you think the adversity is greater than the force that is for you. Know God, our source and creator, is the most powerful force in the universe. He is the universe, and he is in everything that you see. Therefore, don’t give the adversity any power, and put all your faith in God. For he knows you best, and he knows exactly what you need to overcome and thrive. Danny G.
Embrace the past with love in your heart, and embrace the growth it brought forth today. All the turns, detours, and failures together, created the journey and purpose today. Forgive yourself, and release all guilt. For acceptance or guilt creates health or sickness. Don’t forget your destiny awaits for your simple pleasure, purpose and creation. And don’t forget to honor the long road home that brought you the journey. Danny G.
Allow It
As you leave your youth behind, embrace change, seasons and growth. Do not cling to the past and want to relive it again and again. Aging, loss, and daily obligations are all part of our journey in this physical plane. Throughout it all, comes wisdom, joy, and a destination for the soul. Allow it to unfold as it should, for you, your loved ones, and the evolution of humanity. Danny G.
Releasing and Letting Go
Letting go is releasing everything that is hindering us from personal growth and fulfillment. It’s releasing what’s no longer serving us, so we may walk steadfastly and unwaveringly to our dreams. When we let go, we allow ourselves to be in alignment with the divinity that we are, while allowing our lives to flourish and prosper to our divine mission. Danny G.
Embracing the New
At one time, it seemed like a perfect fit, you and I, for a lifetime. But people and circumstances change and progress, an unseemly but perfect life process. I now release the past so I can open my heart to what lies. Because if I stay stuck on the past, I don’t embrace the new in my newfound life. Danny G.
Declare To Be
Don’t get down on yourself because it didn’t work out, for some day you’ll be glad it didn’t, for it had to end for the new partner to arrive. Something already broken was never meant to be, so let go, and embrace the new chapter and journey, you declare to be. Danny G.
Your Soul Speaking to You
Don’t overcomplicate life with should have’s, as if there’s only one winding road. If something feels good to you and you have peace about it, even if it defies logic, move forward. If you feel peace about it, it’s your soul speaking to you, saying take the first step. Don’t deny that feeling of joy and peace for someone else’s misalignment. Nobody knows you better than you, and only you can direct the ultimate unfolding of your life story. Danny G.
A Simple Escape
We wear our bodies out with constant ongoing stress, and destructive habits. Then when our bodies feel like giving up, we wonder what happened along the way. If we would take a step back, and assess the situation, we’d realize a simple escape and just letting it be, is enough to bring us back to wellness. Danny G.
I’ll Hope the Best
Even if it doesn’t work out, my intentions remain the same. Even if it doesn’t work out, my thoughts will never change. Even if it doesn’t work out, I’ll hope the best for you until my dying day. Danny G.