You Choose

You create division by saying this is the one and only path. You steer people away by saying this is the one and only path. There are many teachers and thought leaders from many different facets in life. Choose what resonates with you and let go of the rest. Danny G. 

A New Belief

We move towards the new thought because we speak about it and act on it. As before you were thinking, speaking and acting on your old beliefs but now you’re thinking, speaking and acting on a new belief. Danny G. 


Don’t blame nor hate the emotions you have, for they are indicators of what lies beneath them. Beneath them lies wisdom and enlightenment. Beneath lies lessons, remembering and learning to turn the adversities into a breakthrough. Danny G. 

Embrace Your Future

There are many doors of opportunity all around you. Stop staring merely at the closed door. That closed door may be for your ultimate best. Let go, embrace the new opportunities that are before you. Let go of the past and embrace your future. Danny G.  

Your New Focal Point

The past can grab a hold on you and cause a burden if you let it. Or you can practice letting go, not fighting or resisting. You can practice compassion, inner peace and forgiveness. You can allow the present to be your new focal point and create your own reality. Danny G.  

Letting Go

Personal growth means going beyond your past conditioning. It means no longer repeating the past, or making excuses to repeat the past. It means you are a product of your past, through your own creation. You can create anything you want if you release, let go and be the deliberate creator you came for to be. Danny G. 

Releasing is the New Beginning

Pessimism, bitterness and guilt only eliminates your possibilities and potential. Look forward, don’t look back. Persist with faith and love in your heart. Know that one stepping stone of releasing is your new beginning and ultimate success. Danny G. 

Your Dominant Vibration

Letting go, forgiving, releasing negative attachments can be tremendously difficult, however, the benefits are well worth it. Holding onto attachments can be described as carrying a burden on your shoulders. The more you release, the more the burden dissipates. Sometimes, the thought is still there, however, inner peace is your dominant vibration. Danny G. 

Break Free From the Bondage

Fear, pessimism and bitterness will keep you hostage to life if you let it. Break free from the bondage, declare your faith and persist with love in your heart. That bondage can last a lifetime or it can last a season. The choice is up to you. Danny G. 

You Define Possibility

Impossibility is self created. What was impossible a century ago is possible today. We beat survival, and we beat the odds on so many levels. You define what is possible. You define your limitations, and the power of faith. Be the deliberate creator you are, and create your own reality. Danny G.