Your First Step

Your first step in releasing negative beliefs is to question them. See what beliefs resonate with your soul, and what beliefs create confusion and doubt. For whatever creates clarity, peace and joy are those beliefs aligned with your higher self. Whatever creates confusion, doubt and fear creates lack and separation. Danny G. 

Ultimate Best

Today is your breaking point and your power for change. The past is gone and the future is waiting for your response or solution. Repeat, I am the deliberate creator of my life story, and I’m empowered to seek my desires and God’s will, which I know is my ultimate best. Danny G.

Move Forward to Your New destination

The messages may come sporadically in the beginning. They may seem faint in the early stages. Don’t ignore them, keep on striving and keep on seeking. They will keep getting louder and louder until you take action and move forward to your new destination. Danny G. 

Paint the Future

Don’t allow the past to paint a picture of your current reality. We can create all types of scenarios with our mind and the past. Accept the past with love and peace in your heart. Release, let go and paint the future on the beautiful canvas we call life. Danny G. 

I Embrace the New

If you remain stuck on your closed doors, the opportunities cannot present themselves. Accept, learn and let go. This state of oblivion can be described as sleepwalking, unaware of all the great things waiting for you. Declare the past is learned history, and I embrace the new. Danny G. 

Every Milestone

Sit with your past self. Tell him how far he’s come. Tell him the hardships were created for a purpose, and there’s meaning within every milestone. Tell him there were lessons within each adversity. Tell him it will all be ok in the end. Tell him this is my declaration and so shall it be. Danny G.   

Your Response is Everything

Do not look at the events and circumstances as an excuse to not move forward and let go. Look at your emotions about the events and circumstances. The events and circumstances are always changing and evolving. The best way to change them is your response to them. Danny G. 

Three Beings Within You

There’s always three beings within you. One is the past, the negative baggage and the memories you leave behind. The other is your present, always seeking mindfulness and peace. The last is your future self who’s bound to be. Learn to be at peace with all three while adapting to change and creation. You’re always in the process of transformation, and the best vantage point is your current now. Danny G. 

The Next Opportunity Within You

Some doors may always remain closed. Accept that and move forward towards your next opportunity within you. Don’t stare at the closed door persistently without a means to an end. Recognize those closed chapters and realize what lies before you. Persist, claim it yours until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G. 

With Astonishment and Grace

Most of your problems exist in the past or the future. You’re either rethinking old memories that bring about heartache and pain. Or you’re dreading the future over fears or your pessimistic outlook. Accept your current reality and find that space of inner peace and stillness despite the challenges or chaos. Know reality can change with a shift of perception and faith. Persist long enough, be steadfast to your dream, and you’ll get there with astonishment and grace. Danny G.