Letting go is an act of self care and love. When you let go, your mind is no longer bombarded with memories of the past. It’s easier to reflect and find that space of inner peace and clarity. Essentially, it’s saying I no longer need this suffering to weigh me down. I no longer need this suffering as a drive. I choose compassion and self care, and I allow it to lead the way. Danny G.
Bound to Change
Don’t allow the past to dictate your future. Often we have relived and experimented something so long, we lose track of our destination. We believe the same will unfold time and time again. Let go, and know everything is impermanent and bound to change for your greatest good and fulfillment. Danny G.
Your Reaction Defines Everything
After facing trauma, the memories may still appear from time to time, but your reaction defines everything. You can relive those traumas and never move forward, or you can fully embrace the moment, knowing there is powerful creation within it. The powerful creation starts with your reaction. Declare the past is over now, and it shaped me into who I am today. Focus on the positive transformation and change and let go of the rest. Danny G.
Personal Growth and Freedom
Don’t allow the past to control your present. When we become so consumed with our past and never let go, our past becomes our everyday thoughts and behavior. We live on autopilot never realizing our present can change with a simple twist into self awareness. It starts with a recognition that change is always happening, and it’s up to us to embrace positive change or live based on past conditioning. Embrace the deliberate creator you are, on a journey to personal growth and freedom. Danny G.
Let Go and Embrace Mindfulness
You cannot erase the past. You can only choose not to relive it again and again. You can live based on past attachments and baggage, or you can fully embrace this moment, knowing the future is in the palm of your hands. Danny G.
Letting Go and Mindfulness
Letting go is embracing mindfulness. For whenever you embrace mindfulness, you’re focused on the moment, and you’re not fixated on the past. Letting go releases negative baggage and attachments. It’s releasing a heavy burden that’s detrimental to your health. When you let go, it’s a sign of self care and compassion towards yourself and others. Danny G.
Be the Change
The past can be a burden if you carry it forever. Let the past be a teacher, and allow the present to be your focal point for positive change to occur. The cycle can continue endlessly, or you can can practice mindfulness and be the change today. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care. It means you care enough about yourself to not hold onto negative baggage. Danny G.
Self Acceptance is Letting Go
Self acceptance is letting go of negative attachment and baggage. It’s accepting your imperfections and the world’s imperfections. It’s self awareness, transformation and change to create a greater you and a greater humanity. Danny G.
Let Authenticity Lead the Way
Everyone comes from a different emotional past and history. We are the culmination of our actions, feelings and environment. What works for some may not work for others. Find what resonates with you, your unique calling, and let authenticity lead the way. Danny G.