Imagination is Limitless

Your imagination is limitless and powerful. Instead of focusing on your limitations and infirmities, intend faith, wisdom and possibilities. Make it your intention to break through and succeed. Make it your intention to thrive with possibilities and faith rather than limitations. Danny G. 

Let Go Of Limitations

Accept the insights, wisdom and advice that resonates with your soul, and let go of the rest. Growing means knowing who you truly are, and what you’re capable of. It’s letting go of limitations and embracing the new. Danny G. 

Dream Big and Pursue Big

If your mind tells you it’s too good to be true, allow yourself the freedom to break through your limited mindset and say, with God, nothing is too good to be true. Would this loving father, this infinite intelligence ever tell you it’s too good to be true? These are all misconceptions we created in our mind with small minded thinking. Dream big, pursue big and allow the universe to dazzle you. Danny G. 

Replace the Limitations

While staring only at the limitations, you cannot see the solution or manifestation. Replace the limitations with the divine’s unwavering faith that can move mountains. Replace it knowing the infinite intelligence is in you, with you and guiding you to triumph. Danny G. 

Judge From Within

Can’t is a word that must be denied. Know your limitations, but be weary of lies. Judge from within, not from the outside. Know you are worthy, and have freedom from lies. When the time comes, take a leap of faith, because you may not know the courage and faith that you are. Danny G. 

Letting Go Of Limitations

From the time you were young, you allowed others to create misconceptions in your mind. You believed it in your naive mind, thinking they knew the way. Often when you get older, you must let go of these limitations and embrace your own. Know that the ultimate creator lives in your heart and soul. Claim it yours until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G. 

Faith That Can Move Mountains

As before you were filled with limitations and doubts, now you have faith that can move mountains. As yesterday you let your infirmities take control, now you know the divine lives inside you. He is with you, guiding you, protecting you, and always causing you to triumph. Danny G. 

Break Free From Limitations

Stand solidly in what you believe in, and what you’re projecting. For the world can turn you into someone you’re not, and cause you to give in. Know your purpose, uniqueness and authenticity. Allow it to flourish and stand firm in the storm, so that you may break free from limitations and thrive. Danny G. 

Creating Your Beliefs and Expectations

Release limitations and embrace the new. Create your own expectations and beliefs. Listen within to your inner guidance that never fails to guide you to your ultimate best. This guidance and wisdom will open doors for you that you thought never existed, and cause you to triumph. Danny G. 

The Inevitable Success

You can have fear of failure or you can have faith in success and prosperity. Whatever you focus on becomes your beliefs and expectations. Let go of fears and limitations and replace them with faith in your inevitable success and triumph. Danny G.