Step Out Into the Unknown

Step out into the unknown, embrace who you are, and don’t be confined by yesterday’s limitations. For in order to birth something new, the old self has to change and redefine itself into a new self, a new life, that’s ultimately for your highest good. Danny G.  

A Phoenix Born to Thrive

Fill your mind with the eternal truths that govern humanity. The more you focus on these truths and beliefs, the more they become ingrained in your heart and mind. You can focus on merely your human self, your weaknesses and limitations, or you can focus on the deliberate creator you’re born to be, a phoenix born to thrive. Danny G. 

Focus on the Infinite Intelligence

Even though man says it’s impossible, have faith in the source within you. When you accept the limited belief, so does your life accept this limited mindset. Don’t give any attention to what is not of the divine source within you. Focus on the infinite intelligence, and know you have his power through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

Limitations are self imposed and self created, for whatever man achieved, so can all, and whatever man didn’t achieve, there’s a pioneer within us waiting to call it forth. Danny G.  

Clarity Of Mind

The best means of accomplishing your dreams is to quiet your mind, and release any misconceptions, limitations and fears. When quieting the mind, you have clarity of thought, therefore, you’re receptive to the signs from your soul. Then your action step is to focus on the desired outcome, don’t procrastinate, and watch it flourish. Danny G. 

Break Free From the Limitations

Get out of your limited mindset, and allow God to work in your life. Your limited mindset says I cannot, and your limited mindset says I’m inferior. God says I live inside you and my spirit has the answers you’re seeking for and the solutions to your challenges. Break free from the limitations holding you down, and allow the divine to work in you, for you and for the greater humanity. Danny G. 

Unleash Your Creativity

The divine dwells in possibilities and creativity. Whatever you do, do it with passion in your heart and soul, and know source is providing for you to unleash the vision in your mind. Break free from your limitations, and allow the creator to reveal his insights and action steps, to release your potential and gifts. Danny G. 

Realizing Your Power

As long as you place blame on others or an outside source, you lose your power. You cannot control people’s actions, nor can you control the external world. When you know that your soul attracts the essence of what’s it’s projecting, you know you’re in control. You stop placing blame and you realize your power through the divinity that you are. Fear dissipates, powerlessness dissipates, and your limitations vanish. Then you recognize your true power and you know unwavering faith always leads to your every desire. Danny G. 

Embrace the Phoenix

Whatever creates passion, love and a driving force to create positive change, for yourself and others, is what you came forth to be. Whatever passion you cannot suppress, that keeps on springing forth time and time again, that’s your calling from the divinity you are. Stop suppressing it, and stop procrastinating, be the leader of your emotions, and break free from your limitations. Embrace the phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G. 

Unlimited Supply

Stop dwelling in the land of pessimism and bitterness. Stop dwelling on your infirmities and limitations. Focus on the unlimited supply created for you and humanity by the ultimate divine. Focus on the loving source wanting to bless you with an abundance of joy and success, destined to be yours. Danny G.