Gaining Wisdom Through the Hurdles

You can allow every hurdle to sink you into a deep pit, or you can allow it for personal growth. Take the hurdles as gaining strength, wisdom and learning or remembering what you know in the core of your being. You can allow those hurdles for transformation, or you can allow them to be your excuse to not move forward. Danny G.     

Bounce Back Higher

Pain, loss and adversities are inevitable. Don’t resist it, don’t suppress it and don’t seek to avoid it. Allow the pain to make you stronger. Allow the grief to make you compassionate, and allow the adversities to make you wiser, more successful and bounce back higher and thrive. Danny G. 

The Simple and Powerful Words

Everyone is struggling with something in their inner world. The very fact you’re struggling with something means you’re human and you’re striving for greater. You can turn that struggle into success with persistence and faith. It starts by changing I can’t to the simple words, I CAN! Danny G. 

Perseverance Determination and Faith

Genius lies in your perseverance, determination and faith. Without perseverance, you’ll stop at the adversities. Without determination, you’ll won’t proceed with your creativity. And without faith, you won’t believe the genius within you. Danny G. 

Global Peace

Divinity expresses itself in many facets. From the musician who writes beautiful lyrics. From the lawyer who fights for freedom. From the philosopher who teaches wisdom. From the caretaker who cares for the sick. From the politician who fights for the oppressed. Divinity doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Divinity is humanity reaching a helping hand. Divinity is humanity supporting and enforcing global peace. Danny G. 

From Internal to External

Your spiritual journey unfolds your current and future reality. The more you seek inward, and the more you seek the greater version of yourself, you create the essence of your spiritual being. Seek within, seek faith, persist and your outer world will become your internal world. Danny G. 

Choosing Wisely

Scattered thoughts halts your creativity. Fear can make you back down from your inspiration if you allow it. Negativity only gives you excuses for failure. Focus on this present moment, listen to your inner voice and what it’s telling you. You can listen to fear and pessimism, or you can listen to faith and optimism. Danny G. 

Following Your Inspiration

When life causes you to look down on yourself, remember all those successful people who were where you are at this present time. Remember those who were overlooked, prejudged and they ended up achieving massive success. What do they have that you don’t? Start with determination and persist with faith. You’ll see what was missing was simply a twist in belief, a change of action and following your inspiration. Danny G. 

Co-Create With the Universe

The metaphysical creates physicality. The universe creates evolution. Our thoughts into motion creates our behavior and action steps. Divinity is always within us and humanity. It’s prodding us to the greater version of ourselves and a brighter world. Your inspiration comes from the divine being you are. Your inventions come from the source within you. Your art is created by the genius within you. Everything that’s metaphysical comes into physicality at one point in time. Listen within and you can co-create with universe. Danny G. 

Your Power to Create

Focus on your present now and the future you want to create. Don’t focus on closed chapters, and the dead end roads. Refocus your energy towards your greatest power and control, your present now. Within the present lies your potential and power to create. Danny G.