Your feelings of powerlessness create your pessimism and addictions. Your faith says you can do all things if you have the desire within you. Your desire is proof that you can conquer. For out of every desire lies your solution and manifestation. Danny G.
The Greatest Misconception
If you are his product, then why would he subject you to eternal punishment? If he knew every mistake you would make, then why would he punish you rather than teach you? You can only be your best where you are with what you have. Let God handle the rest. Unconditional love doesn’t condemn, unconditional love yearns for your personal growth, happiness and freedom. Danny G.
Without the Need for Superiority
Assigning superiority to a gender is denying what creates humanity and evolution. It creates conflict and dominance. It’s a cycle that won’t end until equality is achieved, and we realize everyone has a place without the need for superiority. Danny G.
The Process of Healing
Your interpretation means everything. You can listen to the greatest minds of our time, and feel pessimism, fear and bitterness. Or you can listen to them and feel optimism, faith and compassion. Often it’s not the teachings, it’s your beliefs and expectations. You’re too focused on the negative. Take a step back and realize your power through faith. You can keep going on this slippery slope, or you can embrace a new mindset. With this new mindset, you project your internal reality into your external reality. That is the process of healing inside out. Danny G.
I Can Choose
If you need an enemy to motivate you, then you are motivated by fear. If you need a book to rule over you, then you are motivated by insecurities. If you need to be told, this is the one and only path, then you are motivated by inferiority. Faith and wisdom says I’m in control, and I have the power within me. I can choose what resonates with me, and what are misconceptions created by men. Danny G.
Rely On You
Basing our every decision on a rule book or history book from the past stunts growth and evolution. Keep the wisdom that resonates with you, but there’s nothing wrong with exploration, experience and seeking inward. Exploration and experience are your greatest teachers, for they do not say this is the one and only path. They teach you to rely on you, your higher self and inner wisdom. Danny G.
Define Your Own System
If someone doesn’t want to follow the conventional path, allow him to find his own journey and destination. It’s often these people who spark change in profound ways, for they don’t need a system to define them. They define their own system and authenticity. Danny G.
Listen to Your Subconscious Mind
Sometimes your past creeps in reminding you of past hurts and disappointments. It can grab a hold on you if you allow it. Listen to your subconscious mind, and let your subconscious become conscious. At times, we don’t listen or we’re not aware about our subconscious thoughts. Seeking inward is the best medicine for your mind and soul. Listen to it, become self aware and let this be your new intention for personal growth and transformation. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Don’t create today based on yesterday. Reality is always changing, and so are you. Chin up, accept your current reality and recreate your tomorrows. Danny G.
See It As A Blessing
Challenges are meant to make you grow spiritually. Without challenges we would remain static and complacent. Challenges cause us to become stronger, stretch our faith and seek wisdom. Don’t curse the challenge, see it as a blessing to bring out the best you. Danny G.