More Evolved

Everyone who belittles you, disrespects you or rejects you out of mere ignorance, be aware that you are more evolved, for you don’t need to feed your insecurities through arrogance and intimidation. Danny G.  

A New Mentality

In order to embrace a new mentality, you must get rid of the old mentality. Release your limiting beliefs, expectations and failures. Embrace personal growth and spiritual transformation. From this space comes true change. By changing what’s inside, you change the exterior as well. Danny G. 

Already Fulfilled

Belittling is a sign of weakness or lack, for they need to feel greater than you. Humility, kindness and compassion doesn’t feel the need to belittle, for they are already fulfilled. Being secure in who you are is recognizing that you are special, for they see something in you that they don’t see in themselves. Danny G. 

Yesterday is Your Confirmation

If the supernatural happened centuries ago, than why not believe today? We believe in the miracles of the past, but we fail to believe in our unique abilities, faith and wisdom. Don’t look at yesterday as unattainable. Look at yesterday as confirmation. Danny G. 

Always on Your Side

God is a source of love and compassion, so his will is joy and happiness for all of us. He desires our freedom and exploration to discover ourselves, our uniqueness and authenticity. Our full potential can only be discovered with God in our life. Self awareness is knowing the universal source is always on your side. Danny G. 

A Time Out

When you quiet your mind and find stillness, those things that used to trigger you diminishes and dissipates. Those triggers need aggravation to perpetuate. Tranquility is the opposite of fighting and resisting. Whatever you fight steals your energy and motivation. Stillness provides productivity and personal growth. A time out is simply a time into your full potential. Danny G. 

A Positive Investment

Instead of viewing your well being and personal growth as a sacrifice, see it as an investment. Quieting the mind, stillness, and persistence are pre paving the path before you. It’s recuperation and rejuvenation. It’s productivity and clarity. It’s faith and optimism over fear and pessimism. And it’s compassion over bitterness. Danny G. 

We Create Our Destiny

Would a loving God say only one is anointed, or that anyone can be anointed if they choose to be? Does God anoint others, or do we anoint ourselves with God by our wisdom, faith and compassion? If the supernatural happened centuries ago, than why not today? Danny G. 

Ultimate Guidance

In the middle of a long dreary night, the moon illuminates our path, and when the sunrise lights up, it serves as guidance to our destination. Just as the moon and the sun guides us, so does enlightenment and inspiration lead us to conquer and thrive. Danny G. 

Today’s Ultimate Enlightenment

Within your evolution and the evolution of humanity lies truths and misconceptions. You decide what are truths and what are misconceptions. You are the leader of your mind and behavior. Don’t allow others to tell you this is the one and only path. Don’t allow yesterday to be your complete truth of today, since that defies growth and evolution. We are constantly evolving, and saying yesterday is the ultimate path is denying todays ultimate enlightenment. Danny G.