Pessimism, bitterness and guilt only eliminates your possibilities and potential. Look forward, don’t look back. Persist with faith and love in your heart. Know that one stepping stone of releasing is your new beginning and ultimate success. Danny G.
Inspiration Calling You
Picture yourself standing in front of your desire. The desire is asking you, why have you stopped having faith and perseverance? God is saying you deserve much more, but you settled for mediocrity. You stopped taking action steps. Ask yourself, what is inspiration calling from you now? Danny G.
Your Dominant Vibration
Letting go, forgiving, releasing negative attachments can be tremendously difficult, however, the benefits are well worth it. Holding onto attachments can be described as carrying a burden on your shoulders. The more you release, the more the burden dissipates. Sometimes, the thought is still there, however, inner peace is your dominant vibration. Danny G.
Listen Move Forward and Conquer
There are messages all around you. They keep prodding you to personal growth and to be the best you. Don’t ignore them until a brick hits you in the face. They will keep on getting louder and louder until you listen, move forward and conquer. Danny G.
Destined to Break Through
That failure or weakness has insights and lessons if you seek within. Learn to be at peace no matter how life knocks you down. That’s how strength is rejuvenated and faith is restored. Persistence and perseverance despite life’s imperfections teaches you and leads you. Combined with faith, you’re destined to break through. Danny G.
A Compassion That Does Not Die
Commitment requires effort, persistence and faith. Without pursuing, you cannot receive, and without action steps, you cannot receive. When inspiration calls you forth, step forward and know source is for you, guiding you with a compassion that does not die. Danny G.
Know It’s Already Yours
You create success by choosing it over and over again. You create it by your realization that you’re worthy and deserving of it. If someone achieved it, so can you, so persist, have faith and know it’s already yours. Danny G.
Follow Your Passion and Creativity
Some people suppress their emotions for a lifetime, while others face them head on. You can suppress your emotions through illegal drugs, alcohol or gambling, or you can do things that fulfill your soul. That slippery slope of addictions may feel good for the moment, but it soon vanishes with feelings of emptiness and bitterness. Follow your passion and creativity and focus on productivity. That slippery slope will only steal your time, but following your passion and being productive with your time, will uplift your spirit. Danny G.
Don’t Condone but Reflect
Instead of talking to yourself in anger, talk to yourself as your own best friend. Persistent anger will wear your body out. It will cause a burden on your relationships. What compassion would you give your best friend? Don’t condone, but reflect. Everyone has a reason for being and everyone starts on different journeys. You are worthy and you deserve the very best. Danny G.
Create With Purpose
You can say you’re here for ordinary or you can say you’re here for extraordinary. Whatever you say defines who you are and what comes next. Nobody is here for mediocrity. Everyone is unique. Find what resonates with you, your true calling. That’s what it means to be authentic and create with purpose. Danny G.