Our Subconscious Mind Into A Conscious Mind

Many of the stories we tell ourselves are not based on truth. They’re based on misconceptions and preconceptions. The more we dig into those stories, we uncover the truth and the more we seek inward we discover our limiting beliefs. We then turn our subconscious mind into a conscious mind. Danny G. 

Many Stories Within You

There are many stories within you at all times. Some betray you and some benefit you. Learn to distinguish which ones are beneficial to your mind, body and spirit. Some steal your energy and cause you to be pessimistic and fearful. While some replenishes you and causes you to be optimistic and have faith. Hold onto that, and let go of the rest. Danny G. 

Leaving Footprints

Don’t define yourself by the majority. The majority may follow the trend. They may follow the ordinary. Declare you are extraordinary. You’re bound for more than mediocrity. You’re bound for success and a legacy to be remembered. Danny G. 


You have a choice for every insurmountable adversity before you. You can choose to give in, or you can choose to overcome. Imagine what lies on the other side of your adversity. Imagine your breakthrough, success and abundance. Keep that thought at the forefront of your mind. With persistence and faith, your breakthrough is destined to be. For persistence and faith doesn’t give in until its manifestation and destination. Danny G. 

Be Proactive

We live our lives always waiting for the next chapter. We procrastinate saying on the next chapter we will begin focusing on our goals or dreams. Then adversities strike and we delay. Then criticism hits us and we delay. Then opportunities come and we dismay. Life is an unending journey of trials and opportunities. Sometimes we focus so much on the trial that we stop halfway. Don’t let that be you, instead of procrastinating, be proactive. Be cheerful. Be optimistic. Have faith and in the ideal time, the tide will shift in your favor. Danny G. 


Don’t blame nor hate the emotions you have, for they are indicators of what lies beneath them. Beneath them lies wisdom and enlightenment. Beneath lies lessons, remembering and learning to turn the adversities into a breakthrough. Danny G. 

Anchor Yourself

When grief grapples you to the ground, anchor yourself by declaring you are strong, you are steadfast and you are persistent. Anchor yourself by reminding yourself this is a transition, and when you have your transition, you will be together again. Danny G. 

Embrace Your Future

There are many doors of opportunity all around you. Stop staring merely at the closed door. That closed door may be for your ultimate best. Let go, embrace the new opportunities that are before you. Let go of the past and embrace your future. Danny G.  

Accept and Surrender

Stop telling yourself it should be this way. Don’t make excuses for where you are, nor blame the situation. You may not see the plan of it all. Accept, surrender and move forward to your new life and future. Danny G. 

Being A Light in the Darkness

We make choices every moment of every day. Most of those choices are unconscious. We must retrain our mind to be conscious. By being conscious, we embrace our gifts and creativity. Those gifts and creativity are needed in the world to shift global consciousness. With enough light workers, we have the potential to shift humanity and create positive global change. Danny G.