If you want to end hatred, resentment and revenge, focus on compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. You cannot live in hatred, resentment and revenge and feel love. Love is the greatest power in the universe and it requires your attention and intention. With persistent action steps one day at a time, you’ll see those negative emotions slowly vanish. You’ll welcome a new you, who is not bound by the past but by a new level of being. A new level of productivity and a new level of joy. Danny G.
Your Greatest Gift
Turn your weaknesses into fuel for motivation and inspiration. Use your setbacks as lessons for personal growth. Let these setbacks permeate into something beautiful. You’ll discover at times, your gift lies in your greatest weakness. Danny G.
The Inner Work
Life requires imperfections and challenges for us to stretch forth and grow personally and spiritually. Without imperfections, there is nothing to work towards. Without challenges, we don’t need faith and we don’t develop our strength and perseverance. Faith, strength and perseverance is the inner work that’s needed for our ultimate success and triumph. Danny G.
Speak To It
Whatever is standing before you causing fear and trepidation, speak to it, reflect and contemplate. From within you lies unshakable faith, power and potential. Seeking inward has the answers, the strength and persistence you’ll need to pull through. Danny G.
The Genius Within Us
Everyone has a genius within them. The genius mind has to be developed. You develop it by following your passion and creativity. You develop it by being one with the divine, the supernatural source that transcends all understanding. From within lies the answers you’re seeking. From within lies your genius spirit ready to embark on unknown land and discover your full potential. Danny G.
Letting Go
Personal growth means going beyond your past conditioning. It means no longer repeating the past, or making excuses to repeat the past. It means you are a product of your past, through your own creation. You can create anything you want if you release, let go and be the deliberate creator you came for to be. Danny G.
Don’t Fight the System
Instead of fighting the system, be pro freedom, be pro peace and be pro abundance. We often act out of fear of being controlled. Fighting the system creates conflict and chaos. Influencing a new generation from a divine perspective creates harmony and coherence. We can fight or we can influence. One creates disorder and the other creates a divine army meant to bring compassion to the world. Danny G.
Finding the light in Darkness
One individual or perception cannot create duality and diversity. Only light doesn’t create a cycle, and only darkness will create blindness. But find the light in the midst of darkness and you find your path. For by following the light you find your strength, faith and wisdom within. Danny G.
Creating Deliberately
If you persistently fear tragedy, doom and gloom, it will find you where ever you go. If you focus on decline, you’ll find its way faster. The power of your attention has the wherewithal to bring your innermost desires to life. Focus on productivity and being productive with the right thoughts is the best means to create deliberately. Danny G.
Clarity and Art
The puzzle may appear confusing, and frustration may begin to take root. Know each time you insert a piece, you’re one step closer to your dream. One inspired step, one at a time, and you’ll see the grander version of life. What was once confusing is now a beautiful masterpiece of clarity and art. Danny G.