Failures and inadequacies mirrors what’s on the inside. Ask your inner self why these failures keep on happening. Ask your inner self why these inadequacies keep on happening within you. From within lies the wisdom and knowledge you’ll need from the infinite intelligence. Danny G.
New Beginnings
It’s never too late to re-dream. When failure knocks you down, re-dream. When your weakness confronts you, re-dream. When life seems insurmountable and difficult, re-dream. Desires are what keeps you looking forward. Desires are the stepping stones to new beginnings. Danny G.
Greatness Lies Before Me
When divine opportunities come knocking at your door, don’t question your worthiness. Take inspired action. It’s time to say, this was not a coincidence or happenstance. This was my indication that I’m ready for more. I’m ready for new beginnings and greatness lies before me. Danny G.
Evolution is Eternal
The world and humanity is somewhat of a repetition. However, new bodies emerge, new laws emerge and new leaders emerge. Yesterday wasn’t wrong, as it was just a perception or cycle of that time. For every cycle or generation that emerge, humanity evolves and it expands. Humanity adds to the truth of yesterday and clears misconceptions. For at one time, that misconception was a creation under process. It was a creation for expansion and evolution. Staying stuck on the past is staying stuck on old philosophies that no longer apply today. It’s not allowing the modern philosophies to expand for a greater evolution to take place. It’s living in the past saying the world and humanity is a finished product. If the world was a finished product, there would be no reason to grow individually and collectively. If the philosophies of yesterday were meant to remain without any alterations, leaders of today wouldn’t offer their perspective and teachings. If there was only one book meant to be praised, there would be no further insight to gather. If there was just one blueprint, the mission would be complete and it wouldn’t require further evolution. Danny G.
Don’t Be A Slave To It
Master your mind, don’t be a slave to it. You master your mind by having unwavering faith, persistence and wisdom. You master it by empowering yourself, motivating yourself and inspiring yourself to be the best you. You master your mind by realizing, you’re not a slave to it, you’re a deliberate creator bound to flourish and thrive. Danny G.
Dare to Persist and Have Faith
The journey may have uphills, detours and delays. Know it doesn’t have to be a straight path. You can turn around any time and you can create your own path. Every journey is unique. You are authentic and your uphills and detours can become your greatest breakthroughs if you dare to persist and have faith. Danny G.
Your Greatest Art
The universal force and source that transcends the universe lives inside you. God, Jesus and Buddha live inside you. You can tap into any energy that you desire when you seek God’s will and alignment. God gave you free will to experience, explore, learn and grow. You can tap into positive energy or negative energy. Whatever you dwell on and pursue becomes your experience. Like a magician uses his mind to create entertainment, like the lost soul uses its earthly power to hurt and cause suffering, and like the righteous man uses his mind for divine purposes. Everything is self created and all positive creation stems as godly source’s infinite and limitless intelligence. Create deliberately knowing your greatest art is your free will. Danny G.
Your Gift Of Imagination
Your imagination is a gift from the God or Goddess you are. Every idea, inspiration and invention came from imagination. Your role is to take action to your dream, have faith it will flourish, and never give in. Danny G.
Your Gift and Potential
You can be bored, or you can be productive with your creativity. Boredom is complacency. Creativity is what you came forth to be, and it’s the opposite of boredom. Every time boredom grabs a hold on you, remember creativity is your born giving gift and potential. Danny G.
Your Genuine Self
Don’t allow others to carve your path for you. Declare what’s yours through faith and persistence. Your genuine self is unique, authentic and calling you. Don’t deny it, and don’t allow others to choose for you. You have something to give that’s destined to be. Danny G.