Perpetual Growth

Circumstances and experiences change over time, therefore, further explanation and insight is needed. Life is an ongoing motion of perpetual growth and evolution. How did the court of law change over time? How did technology progress over time? How did we evolve collectively? There is no end to evolution, as it’s simply a continuous unfolding to grow collectively and as individuals. The most important element is to look back on how far we’ve come, and to know that expansion is inevitable. Danny G.

The Meaning of Poetry (Poem)

Poetry is a voice, 

A seemingly once troubled mind

Who found peace

In the midst of chaos, 

Wanting to share his gift to the world.

Once fascinated by his thoughts,

He could not stop them, 

Until he put them on paper

And declared what he knew.

Poetry is an emotion 

Deep within ourselves 

Trying to find rest 

Through words and wisdom 

Combined for entertainment.

Let’s not forget, 

The core of poetry, 

With making something sound so beautiful,

But empty.

For beautiful words doesn’t change the world,

But poetry does, 

With a meaningful, and lasting word.