Whenever embarking on unknown territory, you can either say I can fail or I can win. Whatever you say determines the rest. Danny G.
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You’re not a finished product. You’re always evolving. Don’t seek to get it done, seek the joy of the journey. Danny G.
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We are a unity of interconnected beings. Generosity is in our nature. Give knowing you are contributing to world peace and happiness. Danny G.
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If you’re unhappy with the painting you created, you can always paint again. Remember this when you’re not content, and know your creation is always in your hands. Danny G.
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Whatever you desire, you want it for the joy of it. Seek first the emotion. Seek joy, peace and the world will mirror back your genuine song. Danny G.
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Everyone needs faith and persistence. Faith keeps you looking forward, and persistence doesn’t quit. Danny G.
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Thought leaders remind you of what your soul already knows. Danny G.
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Become a light for those that feel broken. Danny G.
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The promise land lives in you, and it’s up to you to embrace it now. Danny G.
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Sometimes all it takes is baby steps, and eventually those consistent baby steps turn into a breakthrough and success. Danny G.