The Greatest Unknown

You’re scared of believing a new philosophy. You’re scared of letting go of the old. Whatever has been passed down to you, you hold onto it relentlessly. Don’t be scared of the unknown, for out of the unknown lies your greatest vantage point to create anew. Danny G. 

The Greatest Forgiveness

When it felt as though people pushed the worst out of me, what they really did was push the best out of me. For out of the betrayal, the injustice and the belittlement, came forgiveness, strength, faith and persistence to keep pushing forward. That’s what creates self awareness, personal transformation and a faith that doesn’t die. Danny G. 

Your Soul Tribe

Creation is authentic. Creativity is unique. When you allow your creation to be altered to a point where it no longer reflects you, you lose your authenticity and uniqueness. Don’t seek to follow the masses. Seek to be you, and your soul tribe will follow you. Danny G. 

Becomes Your Breakthrough

You can choose to call them setbacks, or you can choose to call them defining moments of deliberate creation. Within those setbacks lies answers and solutions to your challenges. Listen within, persist with faith, and those setbacks become your breakthrough. Danny G. 

What Defines You

Your demeanor with a homeless man defines who you are. Your demeanor with the king also defines who you are. Both should be respected. Your ego and ignorance guide your behavior, just as your compassion and kindness guide your behavior. Which one do you want to be? Danny G. 

Only A Perception

Some people judge based on status, while others judge based on kindness and compassion. One serves the ego and prejudice. The other one serves acceptance and empathy. Which group to you want to be? Danny G. 

Kindness Compassion and Empathy

Some people try to follow a rule book, while others follow kindness, compassion and empathy. You can get all the green check marks, and you can still lose yourself. For your source yearns for love for all, and not merely following commitments that have become your ego. Danny G.