Kindness Compassion and Empathy

Some people try to follow a rule book, while others follow kindness, compassion and empathy. You can get all the green check marks, and you can still lose yourself. For your source yearns for love for all, and not merely following commitments that have become your ego. Danny G. 

Adversities As Opportunities

Whatever you do today paves the path and journey for tomorrow. When you’re at a crossroad, you have a choice. You can go down the slippery slope, or you can be productive the right way. Productivity, following your inspiration and passion is embracing the adversities as opportunities. Danny G. 

A Good Creation

If we create with our mind, our mind becomes our truth and reality. Everyone is creating their version of reality through their thoughts and emotions. A figment of imagination can become yours if you allow it. You can create a good figment of imagination, or you can create chaos. Danny G. 

Inner Peace Despite Stress

Make peace with stress. Don’t fear it, don’t dread it and don’t perpetuate it. Fighting stress causes more stress. Resisting stress causes more stress. Accept it, and move beyond it. Not resisting it doesn’t mean you allow more of it in. It means you don’t aggravate it, and allow it to become greater than it is. Danny G. 

Much Greater

Acceptance doesn’t mean condoning your behavior. It means loving yourself enough to see despite the imperfections. Speak to your imperfections, and say I no longer fight you nor offer you resistance. I allow you to teach me what I need to learn. I embrace you’re only here for my spiritual journey and personal growth, and what’s on the other side is much greater than you’ll ever be. Danny G. 

Figments Of Imagination

You create these figments of imagination out of fear and misconceptions. Over the years, you allowed what’s been passed down to create your reality, and you were told not to question it. So you remained stagnant out of fear. Evolution means freedom, exploration and questioning. For without questioning you’re operating out of a system. You’re operating out of the past. And you’re acting under the influence of another rather than recognizing your power, potential and authenticity. Danny G. 

Your Value and Purpose

If you would see your value, purpose and significance, you would never abuse your body through chemicals that only cause you harm. See the potential within you. Don’t waste it, know you are loved, and you’ll bring out the best you for the rest of the world. Danny G. 

Your Opportunities and Possibilities

Within the chaos and havoc of life lies your opportunities and possibilities. The chaos and havoc is asking you to be a light onto others. The chaos and havoc is asking you to choose faith over fear. And the chaos and havoc of life is asking you to choose compassion over strife. Danny G. 

Printed in the Heart

Within every failure or setback lies personal growth. Don’t look merely at the failure or the setback. Look at who you became in the process. Look at what you discovered from within. Some things are meant for a lifetime, and some things are meant for a season. The things that are meant for a season still have lessons printed inside your heart and soul. Danny G.