Unexpected to Surprise

At times when you’re embarking on a journey of personal discovery, what you think is ideal for you may not be. Source, your higher self knows what you need at this particular time. He can see the big picture. Lighten up, chin up and allow the unexpected to surprise you. Danny G. 

Get to the Root

Just thinking short term fills the void in the moment. The void will keep prodding you again and again until you get to the root cause. Seeking inward is the best medicine. Self medicating can be defined as short term pleasure without the gain. Danny G. 

At Peace And At Ease

Before jumping into action, ask yourself, will this benefit me and others around me? Ask yourself if this action is inspired by your higher self. Too many times we act without contemplation and we end up living a lie. Seek first alignment with your source, then the action step will feel at peace and at ease. Danny G. 

Beacons for Success

When life causes you to have limitations, be the best you despite the limitations. Play the hand you’re dealt with to the best of your ability. That’s how geniuses emerge from their limitations and become beacons for success. Danny G. 

A World Of Knowledge

The universal spirit is always giving you insights and wisdom for your ultimate best. You just have to listen from within. Quiet your mind, be still and listen for the next step. You’re a world of knowledge waiting to be discovered. Danny G. 

Follow Your Authenticity

Don’t allow your infirmities and failures to create your life and future. Follow the minority, not the majority. Follow your authenticity, not the trend. Deliberately create without conforming to a system. True mastery lies in self awareness about your potential and gifts within. Danny G. 

Your Greatest Passion

Society may teach that your passion is not realistic. Your higher self says your passion is an expression of divinity. Society may teach that creativity is not necessary. Your higher self says creativity is the ability to change and not remain stagnant. Society may teach that your curiosity leads to danger. Your higher self says your curiosity is what causes you to ask and receive. Danny G.  

Your Masterpiece

Responding with faith is recognizing your power, self control and inner guidance. It’s recognizing the power of your thoughts, words and actions while realizing your creativity in the process. It’s knowing your journey is your deliberate creation, your intention and masterpiece. Danny G. 

You Control Your Inner World

Knowing all is well in a chaotic world is being aware of the source within you. It’s knowing the world cannot control you, nor can it manipulate you. It’s knowing that you control your inner world, which ultimately shapes your outer world. Danny G.