I Can Choose

If you need an enemy to motivate you, then you are motivated by fear. If you need a book to rule over you, then you are motivated by insecurities. If you need to be told, this is the one and only path, then you are motivated by inferiority. Faith and wisdom says I’m in control, and I have the power within me. I can choose what resonates with me, and what are misconceptions created by men. Danny G. 

Rely On You

Basing our every decision on a rule book or history book from the past stunts growth and evolution. Keep the wisdom that resonates with you, but there’s nothing wrong with exploration, experience and seeking inward. Exploration and experience are your greatest teachers, for they do not say this is the one and only path. They teach you to rely on you, your higher self and inner wisdom. Danny G. 


You have a choice for every insurmountable adversity before you. You can choose to give in, or you can choose to overcome. Imagine what lies on the other side of your adversity. Imagine your breakthrough, success and abundance. Keep that thought at the forefront of your mind. With persistence and faith, your breakthrough is destined to be. For persistence and faith doesn’t give in until its manifestation and destination. Danny G. 

You Decipher

Many people operate full throttle everyday. With enough speed and momentum while always pressing the brakes, it creates an imbalance. Learn to rest. Take time away from the world to be in your own world. Then you won’t feel the highs and lows that creates incoherence. You’re in power and you decipher when to step back and when to move forward. Danny G.  

Painting A Picture

By your choices, you paint a picture of who you truly are. Your choices define you, and you define your choices. The only control we have is through thought, word and deed. The more our thinking, words and deeds are in alignment with the divine, the more we act from the divinity we are. With this power, we can conquer anything, and anything is within our reach. Danny G. 

One With the Divine

Life is not a school of right or wrong. Life doesn’t sentence or judge when you don’t condemn yourself. There are wise choices, and there are poor choices. Both have benefits and consequences, but God will love you the same which ever path you choose. You are one with the divine, and he will always guide you, and reconcile you to greater truths and success. Danny G.   

All About Choices

It’s all about choices, choices with your thoughts, the words you speak and your behavior. There’s nothing off limits when you align your thoughts, words and behavior with the divine. When you act out of faith, doors will open for you that you thought were impossible at one point. You’re always creating yourself anew, and it all starts with your thoughts, words and behavior. Danny G. 

It’s Just A Better Choice

Is there such a thing as a right choice or is there just a better choice? We’ve heard the saying there are many roads that lead to Rome. Almost everyone’s journey has detours and delays, and most importantly, every journey is unique in one way or another. Many people or religions tell us there’s one path and one path only. They tell us there’s only one pathway that we must travel and if we fail on this one journey then we lose our chance at success or salvation.

You can only make choices based on your current understanding, maturity and wisdom. A year from now or 5 years from now, you may have a very different mentality, thereby causing you to choose differently. Considering the fact you’re always changing and growing, the choice you made that you really regret wasn’t a failure, it was simply part of the unfolding that brought you to this present moment.

The only way to make better decisions is through contemplation, and assessing whether these choices are aligned with our greater perspective or not. Seeking our spiritual selves and immersing ourselves in the truths that govern humanity allows us to make better choices. Meditation allows us to connect with our higher selves and it distracts us from anything that doesn’t resonate with our greater perspective. Positive affirmations allows us to have faith and confidence in ourselves and the divine. These are simply tools that help us make better choices, and perhaps it may prevent future problems or allow us to cope with problems with greater wisdom.

There are challenges that are unavoidable, however, we should make it easier on ourselves by reserving some time every day for our own alignment and growth. We also need to accept that every journey has contrast and obstacles, but remember they help us define who we are and where we’re going. What’s the point of a human experience if there was nothing to learn? These choices you’re currently making in your life, aren’t they different from the choices you will make in 20 years from now? You can only assess which is the best option now and then in 20 years from now you’ll assess according to your life at that particular time.

Circumstances change and you change also, so there is no failure, just a journey and a spiritual evolution. Is there such a thing as a right choice or is there simply better choices where you currently stand? No need to relive your past failures and mistakes, since they are merely stepping stones to the new improved version of yourself and your life.

If there’s one right path for everyone, it would mean everyone would be the same and there would be no contrast and the world would be a boring place. Besides, how can you define who you are and what you want out of life if you don’t have a reference point and a platform to choose from?

When you have a decision to make, just know there’s no right or wrong approach, there are simply decisions based ideally on your life and your journey. It’s simply about making choices that are beneficial for ourselves and humanity. We’re all interconnected so when you make a choice aligned with our source and creator, then your good deed or example affects all the people in your life. That’s how we change the world one step at a time.