If you seek inner peace, but it evades you, ask the question to yourself in silence. What brings me inner peace? For by asking the question, you focus on the solution and manifestation. If you seek happiness, but it evades you, ask yourself in stillness, what brings me happiness? You cannot help but look at what brings you joy. If you want abundance, but you cannot find it, ask the question, then take inspired action. By asking the question, you stimulate ideas, inspiration and motivation. Then your final step is to move towards it, declare it’s yours and know that you are worthy of receiving. Danny G.
Thought for Today
The reason you’re not fulfilled is because you’re looking only at the exterior. Manifesting our external world is important, and it’s supposed to be joyful, but looking merely at the external obliterates the most important aspect. Your inner joy, inner peace and wisdom is your reason for being. It’s why you’re here. Your external world is only a reflection of your inner world. Only looking at accumulation feels empty inside. Seeking inward, true happiness and then manifesting your goals and dreams is the greatest achievement you can make. It’s starts from the inside and it projects itself on the outside. Follow your bliss. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Do not look merely at the external manifestations, look within yourself, because when you conquer within, you conquer the exterior. Danny G.
Ideal Timing for Everything
There’s an ideal timing for everything. Sometimes we’re not ready, but we push against it with our yearning for manifestation. Take a step back and realize this compassionate source and creator has your best interest at heart. You may not know why this is happening, but if you dare to see the situation from God’s eyes, everything will make sense, and everything that’s meant to be yours will manifest in its ideal timing. Danny G.
Awareness to Manifestation
Don’t condemn the unwanted, for the unwanted is what caused the desire within you. Be patient, and allow the unwanted to be a recognition of what you do want. Condemnation never brings the positive, but self awareness is key to manifestation. Danny G.
Don’t Doubt the Infinite
If you have a desire, it’s your indication you have the means to manifest it. Don’t doubt the infinite and limitless source. The ultimate question should be, are you on board? Do you believe it’s too good to be true, or can you embrace it now? Danny G.
Discovering Yourself Anew
Self discovery and transformation is why you’re here in this physical plane. You came to discover yourself anew and manifest your deepest desires. Every time you discover yourself, you realize there’s more to discover, and every time you look at the world, you realize there’s more to discover. That is the true process of self discovery and transformation. Danny G.
Within Your Reach
Speak your affirmations in the present as though they’re manifesting now. You have the right to happiness, success and inner peace. As the God or Goddess you are, these emotions and manifestations are within your reach at all times. Allow them to come to fruition in the present now. Danny G.
Manifesting Before Your Eyes
Even when the ground trembles beneath your feet, and you feel unsteady and unworthy, take that leap of faith and action step to your dream and purpose. Though the adversity or opposition may feel overwhelming, just know you’re closer than you think and feel. Sometimes all you need is one more step before midnight, and the tide turns in your favor. What you’ve been yearning for is now within your reach, and manifesting before your eyes. Danny G.
The Manifestation Destined To Be
When you have a desire, seek inward before anything else. Remember the source that is within you, and that transcends the universe. Remember your power and potential within. Remember the source you serve. Then the action steps becomes a confirmation of who you truly are, and the manifestation destined to be. Danny G.