The Soul’s Agenda

True masters know when they need to escape their mind and listen to their soul. For their mind can become confused, frustrated and ungodly. Out of the mind the body follows. They choose their soul, its agenda, and the path reveals itself along the way, ultimately leading them to their destiny and dream. Danny G.  

Mastering Your Strengths

Practice your strengths, learn from your weaknesses, and be the deliberate creator you’re born to be. Strengths can be mastered, and weaknesses can be blessings, if you allow them to teach you and speak to you. These lessons are for your own evolution, the contribution of the world and the well being of our planet. Danny G. 

From Fear to Peace

At times the battle starts off as a fear that keeps you striving for greater. It may be a moment in time, where the fear invaded your mind, and it stayed in your heart and soul. The fear didn’t dissipate, it only caused you to search more and more. As the fear continues to invade your mind, your peace remains outside your reach. Don’t fight it, know it was all part of your journey and growth. One day you realize the fear is no longer needed, but your mind holds onto it to drive you to success. But one day you realize this attachment is no longer necessary as you allow peace to lead the way. You realize your best source of drive and ambition is through peace where all solutions lies. Your peace leads to clarity, answers and renewed strength. Your peace becomes your new intention and motive, for every master learned this through stillness and contemplation. All you have to do is seek inward, be still and listen, for the next step will appear with faith and love in your heart. Danny G. 

Dared to Trust and Believe

Even though your life may seem troublesome and bleak,  and you feel incomplete or overwhelmed, I can assure you if you persist with faith and love in your heart, your destination is bound to manifest. For every great master and every great pioneer was standing exactly where you are today, and they dared to trust and believe. Danny G. 

Gaining Mastery Over Your Mind

When you’re conscientious about your thoughts, words and deeds, you cannot help but lead by the clarity of your example. Consciousness requires practice and discipline, but when you gain mastery over your mind, mindfulness becomes your natural state, and you can spark change in whichever way you choose. Danny G. 

Stillness Wherever You Go

There is noise wherever you go if you allow the noise to consume you. There is stillness wherever you go if you allow this peace to just be. You can find peace by seeking inward, and focusing on the divine being you are. When you find peace in the midst of chaos and havoc, you master life and the inevitable joyous experiences bound to be. Danny G. 

Mastering Your Reality

When you’re confident, worthy and full of faith, others only reinstate what you project. If you truly believed in yourself, others’ disbelief would not matter. If you are insecure, everything that people say or do reminds you of your insecurities. The secret to changing your outer world is to change your inner world. Have faith, know you are worthy and believe in the God or Goddess you are. When you master this, you master your reality. Danny G. 

Law Of Thinking

Devote yourself to the law of thinking, for whatever you master in your mind, you master in your life and future. Whatever is perceived first in the mind, goes out into the world and creates success destined to be. Danny G. 

Following the Soul

You feel safe and comfortable standing still. In fact you can stand still indefinitely. But true masters know that standing still doesn’t produce any change and progress. True masters are aware that growth is what they are, and it’s what humanity is. They choose what their soul chooses which is personal growth and fulfillment for themselves and for the evolution of humanity. Danny G. 

In Sync With the Universe

When you practice the laws that govern the universe, you live as the true masters. You’re in sync with the divine, and you know you’re in control of your thoughts and emotions. You know your thoughts and emotions create your life story. They don’t control you, as you’re completely aware of your power and guidance as you steer the vessel to your destination and dream. Danny G.