Mastering the Mind

The more you become in alignment with the divine, the more good you attract in your life. The more you think as the God or Goddess you are, the more you master the mind. Delve into your spiritual evolution, and make it your primary focus, and then when your future self stares back at you, you’ll feel utter joy and appreciation for the great I AM! Danny G. 

Mastering Life

The more you understand your depth, the inner you, and you make an effort to know your source and its universal forces that govern humanity, the more you master the game of life. And when you master the game of life, you can feel the unseen forces working on your behalf for its glory. With this, anything is possible. Danny G.

Magnificent Sunrise

Just like the beautiful moon can shine in the black wintery sky, you too can shine in the midst of the dark alleys and thrive. Those dark alleys were only meant to catapult you to your divine destiny, and triumph. Regain your power, make it your own, while knowing it’s your imagination that creates a masterpiece and a magnificent sunrise. Danny G. 

Remember Your Vision

Every work of art began with one stepping stone, and perseverance and faith to the masterpiece and dream. As you lay the stones, hold fast to your vision, persevere and claim it yours. If opposition strikes, remember your origin and who you are. Remember your vision, why you started, and declare what’s rightfully yours. Danny G. 

Your Power and Gifting

You are the masterpiece of your life, therefore, create intentionally while knowing imagination is what springs forth all happiness and triumph. Every single trophy had to be created by man’s skillful hands, and it was delivered to man’s gifted hands. Therefore, know your power, your gifting, and your role in the evolution of your journey.  Danny G. 

Creating A Masterpiece

It all starts with a baby step, then it catapults into your every desire. The one aspect that brought it forth was your very thought and intent. Therefore, know that your baby steps are serving a purpose, and they’re vital in creating a masterpiece, destined to be yours. Danny G. 

The Masterpiece of Your Life

Everything in life has a sequence and perfect timing. Wait steadfastly in positive anticipation for what lies next and what the path unfolds. Within the journey you’ll find wisdom, strength, and faith despite the stormy night. Look closely, you’ll discover joy, enlightenment, and serendipity in disguise. All together this creates the best version of you and the masterpiece of your life. Danny G.

Being Conscientious and Bold

If your every thought, word, and action is creating your present today and your future tomorrow, what do you wish to do for yourself and others? Be conscientious while remaining bold, and remember you are the master of your destiny, destined for greatness. Know that by staying in alignment, you inevitably make the world a brighter place to live. Danny G.