Your environment doesn’t create your future, but your reaction defines everything. You mold your present and future with your persistent thoughts, words and actions. Just like a beautiful flower can bloom in a garden of weeds, you too can bloom exactly where you stand. Therefore create a masterpiece in the midst of imperfection and contrast. Danny G.
The Master of Your Destiny
As you envision your journey in the years to follow, make sure you’re optimistic, and faithful despite the battle. For there will be battles, but if you persistently dwell on them, you allow them to control you, and you give them your power. Then your journey follows its course in the essence of your thoughts. Your are the master of your destiny, creating with your imagination and wisdom. Therefore, envision your end result as you want it to be, and you’ll be the deliberate creator you were born to be. Danny G.
The Power of Faith and Triumph
What is true spiritual mastery? It’s being able to remain in alignment when everything around you is in chaos. It’s staying in balance, when you’re aching, or grieving. It’s loving the unlovable, and forgiving the perpetrators, no matter what pain they have caused you. Gaining mastery under the bright colored sun, is good, and worthy, but gaining mastery within the storm is true mastery. When you know this and master this, nothing can pull you down, and the power of faith and triumph is in your hands. Danny G.
The Road to Mastery (Poem)
Through trial and error,
We tough the storm.
The wind blows against our soul,
In this illusionary world.
We don’t understand life,
As we squeeze tight
To be right.
The ideas, that once worked,
Are now expired,
In this illusionary world.
Through trial and error,
We make our stance,
Declare what we know.
The wind blows beneath our feet,
And shakes us deep.
We declare our wants,
More comes against us.
As we make our stance,
And are now sturdy,
In this illusionary world.
Through trial and error,
The wind doesn’t shake us.
As we learn through leaping forward,
Through the laws that govern us all.
The wind remains beneath our feet,
As we make our stance,
In this illusionary world.
Through trial and error,
We stand up straight.
Firm, unwavering, ready to play.
As we acknowledge our ways,
In this created reality,
Where we declare out loud,
And write the script.
Discipline and Practice is Key
What is gaining mastery in your life? Everything takes discipline and practice. How does a pro ball player become a pro ball player? How does a great stock broker become a great stock broker? Everything takes persistent practice and discipline. Without discipline, you can’t stick to anything and without practice you never unlock your true potential. Gaining mastery can start with the simple affirmation, I have discipline, and I will keep my eye on the prize until my desire manifests! Danny G.