Your mind has limited data and experience, but your soul has unlimited data and experience. Therefore, the only reason your mind cannot find the clarity you’re looking for, is because you’re depending solely on your mind, and not your soul. Your soul collected the data, since time began. Don’t fight against it, and refocus your energy on your soul. Spend more time reflecting, quieting the mind, and you will find the clarity you’re looking for, and the truth about who you are. Danny G.
His Unlimited Supply
Why is quieting the mind so beneficial? Because when you quiet your mind, you’re no longer putting a strain on your mind to get it right or to find the answers. It’s what allows you to just be present in the moment, and at peace. For sure there is a time for contemplation and action. But when your mind is bombarded with all your worries and concerns, it zaps your energy and vitality. Therefore, it is well said that he who quiets the mind finds his strength through God and his unlimited supply. Danny G.
Creation and Illusions
At one point in time, you were so vibrant, so lively, so fun to be around. Then you let others turn you into someone you’re not. You allowed their lies and misconceptions to take root, as you allowed them to control you. Slowly and gradually, your worthiness and value slipped, into a pit so deep, their misconceptions became yours. After wondering in a drought for so long, and pondering life’s misconceptions of you, you took a deep pause of reflection and faith, and tossed aside your created illusion. You said all is well, at my father’s hand, and I’ve been dwelling in the illusionary land. I now declare my rightful land, as I seek within, from the father’s land. I don’t allow others to alter my course, nor do I allow the word of treachery and cruelty to rule me. I’ve been down this path before, I won it in my mind, so be it in life. Danny G.
Every Great Pioneer
Every great pioneer had mountains to climb, and battles to fight. What made him great, was that he didn’t give in, and he persevered despite the pain. He knew in his mind, that with God, the battle wasn’t too great, but the victory was his, if he persisted despite the trial. Danny G.
Newfound Wisdom
Some people see others’ wisdom as criticism and envy, while some people use it as inspiration. Self criticism and envy is blocked off while wisdom requires an open mind. An open mind is receptive to all good that could come. Release your self critical lenses and choose an open mind, and you will be astounded by your growth and newfound wisdom. Danny G.
Anything is Possible
Your mind and soul knows the path to your ultimate peace and happiness. It knows what to do to stay at its optimal health. Don’t fight against it, just allow this force to dominate. When you allow this force to dominate, you allow the life force to surge through your veins. With this, anything is possible. Danny G.
Contemplation is Growth
When I look back on the journey of my life, I realize the only times I grew was when I looked beyond the ego lenses, and expanded my view. The times I grew was when I was mindful despite the pain, and mindful despite my ego desperately wanting to pull through. Danny G.
The Wrestler and Buddha
There’s a wrestler inside me constantly uneasy and restless like a strong current wanting to break through. There’s a Buddha inside me at peace, content and happy, constantly inhabiting in my mind and soul. The two constantly fight to break through with their schemes. Which one will win, the wrestler or the Buddha? Which ever one I feed. Danny G.
My paperback and ebook “23 Poetic Cues” is available for purchase at at this link:
Have a great day!