You can accept mediocrity, lack and poverty, or you can accept joy, gratitude and abundance. Perception can be completely different today than yesterday. You’re always in the process of creation and transformation, so be conscientious about your thoughts, and allow them to turn into action steps, to greater abundance and happiness. Danny G.
Gaining Mastery Over Your Mind
When you’re conscientious about your thoughts, words and deeds, you cannot help but lead by the clarity of your example. Consciousness requires practice and discipline, but when you gain mastery over your mind, mindfulness becomes your natural state, and you can spark change in whichever way you choose. Danny G.
Focusing on the Desired Outcome
Stop giving your problems so much attention and focus. Focus that energy towards the solution, and know if God birthed the desire within you, the solution already exists. The only missing part is your action, and focusing all your mental energy on the desired outcome. Danny G.
Law Of Thinking
Devote yourself to the law of thinking, for whatever you master in your mind, you master in your life and future. Whatever is perceived first in the mind, goes out into the world and creates success destined to be. Danny G.
Changing Your Inner Dialogue
The mind is capable of creating any type of emotion. If the mind is capable of creating sadness, misery and heartache, the mind is capable of achieving joy, excitement and enthusiasm. Talk yourself into it and create your own motivation until you feel it in the depth of your soul. Change your inner dialogue, don’t fall prey to it, and say I will overcome and thrive. Danny G.
Rising Above It
Being wronged will hold feelings of betrayal. Focus on the fact that you are human, and the only goal should be not to remain in this state of mind. Feel it, move on and be the best you. This is the best way to rise above it. Choose wisdom over ignorance, faith over fear, and compassion over anger. Danny G.
Practice the mental work so much that the action feels inevitable, as it keeps on calling you and calling you to a greater life and future. Let the mental work inspire you to action, and be the best you, as you embark on unknown territory and claim it yours. Danny G.
You conditioned yourself with negative emotions and negative attachments, and you relive them again and again. The more you act on them, they become your very existence. Therefore, recondition your mind with faith, wisdom, love and all the good in the world. Embrace it, relive it, and let it become your new existence. Danny G.
Alignment With the Divinity You Are
Place your beliefs, expectations and truths before you. See if they align with the God or Goddess you are. If they do, pursue them wholeheartedly. If they don’t, understand their origin, underlying cause and effect, and continually work to improve them. In time you’ll become the essence of your thoughts and feelings, and in alignment with the divinity you are. Danny G.
Same thoughts and same emotions lead to yesterdays, and no change. Growth and change results from being mindful of your thoughts, emotions and to consistently change them into something authentic, unique and new. When you master this, every moment is a new creation with the divine, as you unleash the greater you, your potential and power. Danny G.