Acting Productively

The more you bury your emotions and allow them to linger, those feelings become you. The more you act on these emotions productively, you alter the course in your favor. If you can continually guide your emotions to more loving faithful thoughts, the greater the benefit you’ll feel in your life and future. Therefore, think loving faithful thoughts, and they will become the essence of who you truly are. Danny G. 

Painting A Picture

By your choices, you paint a picture of who you truly are. Your choices define you, and you define your choices. The only control we have is through thought, word and deed. The more our thinking, words and deeds are in alignment with the divine, the more we act from the divinity we are. With this power, we can conquer anything, and anything is within our reach. Danny G. 

Open Your Eyes

Don’t allow the chaos or havoc blind you from whatever is good and noble. Don’t allow the misconceptions to turn you bitter or pessimistic. Open your eyes and see the greatness of the universe, and the greatness of who we are. There’s always two perceptions within you, one is of the dark, and the other the light. Choose optimism, faith and good will, and you will become the essence of your thoughts and mission. Danny G. 

Live It Now

Fall in love with your future, so it feels inevitable and real. Let go of attachment and accept it’s part of your journey back home. Practice mindfulness, so you may stay in the present moment, and perpetuate the good while leaving the past behind. Embrace your vision, so that the future feels as though you’re living it now. Danny G. 

Catapult to Success

Write your affirmations in your conscious mind and eventually they will enter your subconscious mind. The pen is in your hands to create deliberately with faith and persistence. When they enter your subconscious, they become you, the essence of your being. They arise whenever you need them and catapult you to success. Danny G. 

Focus on the Present Now

Stop focusing on the many years where you were lost and broken. Stop focusing on the days you were not self aware. Focus on your present now, and what you can do with it. The past can be a teacher if you let it, and your present now can be your new creation. Base your new creation as the new improved version of you, with history as your personal transformation. Danny G. 

Step Out And Step In

Step out of the confusion created by your mind. Step out of the pessimism created by your mind. And step out of the bitterness and fear created by your mind. All these negative emotions are self created, and it’s your reaction to environments and circumstances that defines everything. When you step out, you allow God to reveal his insights and wisdom, and you allow yourself to experience true clarity of mind. Living from this space is the way of the true masters. Living this way is the path to enlightenment and growth. All power is from within, and when you seek within, anything is possible. Danny G. 

Acting in Unity

Be the one who lives in wakefulness and self awareness. Don’t sleep walk and live in denial, or by coincidence. The one who is fully awake and self aware knows he is the deliberate creator of his reality. He’s the one who is fully conscious of his thoughts, words and deeds, and he uses them constructively for his benefit and for others. He knows source, the ultimate provider is on his side as they act in unity to guide the vessel to their destination and dream. Danny G. 

A Phoenix Born to Thrive

Fill your mind with the eternal truths that govern humanity. The more you focus on these truths and beliefs, the more they become ingrained in your heart and mind. You can focus on merely your human self, your weaknesses and limitations, or you can focus on the deliberate creator you’re born to be, a phoenix born to thrive. Danny G. 

In Sync With the Universe

When you practice the laws that govern the universe, you live as the true masters. You’re in sync with the divine, and you know you’re in control of your thoughts and emotions. You know your thoughts and emotions create your life story. They don’t control you, as you’re completely aware of your power and guidance as you steer the vessel to your destination and dream. Danny G.