You create these figments of imagination out of fear and misconceptions. Over the years, you allowed what’s been passed down to create your reality, and you were told not to question it. So you remained stagnant out of fear. Evolution means freedom, exploration and questioning. For without questioning you’re operating out of a system. You’re operating out of the past. And you’re acting under the influence of another rather than recognizing your power, potential and authenticity. Danny G.
Sometimes you must go through a time of misconceptions and preconceptions to find your truth. It can be described as unraveling the old to get to the new. It can be described as confusion to clarity, from fear to faith, from pessimism to optimism and from bitterness to compassion. Danny G.
The Greatest Misconception
If you are his product, then why would he subject you to eternal punishment? If he knew every mistake you would make, then why would he punish you rather than teach you? You can only be your best where you are with what you have. Let God handle the rest. Unconditional love doesn’t condemn, unconditional love yearns for your personal growth, happiness and freedom. Danny G.
The Dream We Call Life
We are the masterpiece of our lives, and we are creators in the expansion of the universe. Our misconceptions and limitations leave us thinking we are not worthy or deserving. We’re underestimating ourselves. Whatever man has not accomplished yet, it’s just a matter of time before he does, because anything is possible, and anything is within our reach in this dream we call life. Danny G.
Essentially Love
We create misconceptions in our mind that we’re not worthy or deserving. Would a loving father punish you for eternity? Would love turn his back against you? God is always waiting for you to step onboard, declare your faith and seek love which is essentially what he is. Danny G.
Misconceptions Into Clarity
The soul holds no contradictions. Words often have contradictions, which is what creates misconceptions and strife. The soul is essentially what we are, our heart and soul in complete fruition. If we can live from this space, misconceptions and confusion becomes clarity, inner peace and faith. Danny G.
Listening to the Spirit
The mind often has misconceptions, preconceptions and confusion. The spirit believes in possibilities and faith. The spirit believes it can do anything through you. The mind can talk us out of success if we become overly fearful and pessimistic. Talk yourself into abundance and prosperity. Feed your mind with the spirit of faith and optimism. With this mindset and persistence, triumph is inevitable. Danny G.
You Create Your Fate
You determine your fate. Fate is self created, and fate can change because you’re a deliberate creator in this physical plane. Don’t allow an external fate to rule over you. Let go of those misconceptions, and embrace the growth seeking being you’re destined to be. Danny G.
The Ultimate Best
Would a loving God punish us for eternity? Would a loving God say we are not worthy? Would a loving God turn his back against us? We create those misconceptions with our mind. God is about inclusion, not separation. God is about love, not condemnation. God is about freedom and free will. And we should seek his will, because we know it’s the ultimate best. Danny G.
Inner Reflection
Change from being a victim to being an overcomer. Your inner reflection changes your outer attraction. You were never meant to be a failure. Let go of misconceptions, embrace the new you and create your own reality. Danny G.