Steadily Gaze Onward

Become more in love with your future than your past. Learn to let go of attachments and old baggage. Steadily gaze onward, and be led by your higher self, not by misconceptions that don’t define who you are. Danny G. 

Interconnected Spirit

The word God can have many misconceptions. You can see him as an outside force deciding everything for humanity. You can see him as a vengeful and jealous God, or a judging source. Or you can see him as an extension of you helping you choose the right path, and an interconnected spirit that transcends the universe. Danny G. 

Leave Out the Musts

Remove the word must from your life. Your only obligation is to be your best where you are, with what you have. There is no must other than your own misconceptions. Treat life as a journey of personal growth and transformation. Leave out the musts and be your authentic self. Danny G. 

Key to Healing

Accepting yourself is key to healing, and it’s realizing you can never do so wrong that God would turn his back against you. We create those misconceptions with our mind. Healing is releasing these negative beliefs, and embracing who God truly is, a compassionate source always willing to extend his helping hand. Danny G. 

Opinions and Perspectives

Let go of the misconceptions that were said about you, for they are merely an opinion and perspective of misalignment. Embrace who you truly are, a divine being of light, destined to thrive. The true definition of you dwells in the divinity you are. Danny G. 

Letting Go Of Limitations

From the time you were young, you allowed others to create misconceptions in your mind. You believed it in your naive mind, thinking they knew the way. Often when you get older, you must let go of these limitations and embrace your own. Know that the ultimate creator lives in your heart and soul. Claim it yours until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G. 

The Process Of Transformation

You can always reject what doesn’t serve you, or what no longer serves you. Don’t be confined to a cage with misconceptions, pessimism and fears. Learn to let go and let wisdom and love rule your heart and soul. You’re always in the process of transformation, and letting go is the best means of bringing in more good and releasing the old. Danny G. 

Release the Misconceptions

Release the contradictions and misconceptions that surround your outer world. For when you attach to the misconceptions, you cannot allow and embrace the new. Your outer world can attack your inner world if you allow it to. Seek your inner world, your inner truth and alignment with the divine, and your outer world will reflect your inner world. Danny G. 

Open Your Eyes

Don’t allow the chaos or havoc blind you from whatever is good and noble. Don’t allow the misconceptions to turn you bitter or pessimistic. Open your eyes and see the greatness of the universe, and the greatness of who we are. There’s always two perceptions within you, one is of the dark, and the other the light. Choose optimism, faith and good will, and you will become the essence of your thoughts and mission. Danny G. 

Intuition to Thrive

When you feel that inner conflict with your soul from misconceptions, preconceptions and mistranslations, return to your inner wisdom and seek within. All answers are through seeking inward through the divinity we are. When we seek inward, we don’t need another to show us the path, we gladly allow those to teach, but we have our intuition to thrive. Danny G.