Do not add barricades to your path and personal growth. You add barriers by resisting the God or Goddess within you. You add barriers by listening to the lies and misconceptions of you. And you add barriers by suppressing the God or Goddess within you. Allow your inner self to shine for you and the evolution of humanity. Danny G.
Allowing Your Wisdom and Success
Stop giving away your power to others. Whenever you affirm unhappiness, discontentment and resentment because of others, you’re making yourself the victim. Power and self awareness comes from within. When you declare your power, your strength and resilience is renewed. You’re not conformed by others’ misconceptions, and you allow your wisdom and success to manifest into being.
God’s Capable Hands
Stop living according to the lies and misconceptions of others. Somewhere in your physical trail, you began listening to those who belittled you or mislead you. You took it as your own, neglecting your inner guidance and wisdom. Return to that voice within from the divine, and know you are in God’s very capable hands. Know this energy is within you, guiding you, and saying YOU CAN DO IT! Danny G.
Listen to Your Guidance Within
Assess your values and see if they are aligned with your higher self. Your higher self doesn’t seek merely outside itself for its answers and solutions. Your higher self doesn’t seek merely outside itself for greater knowledge and wisdom. Your higher self knows its values and it knows how to live them. Don’t allow others’ misconceptions and preconceptions to steer you off course. Listen to your inner guidance and what you came forth to be. Danny G.
Self Discovery and Transformation
Self discovery and transformation means letting go of what no longer serves you. It means getting rid of the dark side and embracing your heart and soul. It means letting go of the old personality based on misconceptions and embracing the new. Danny G.
Clarity Of Mind
The best means of accomplishing your dreams is to quiet your mind, and release any misconceptions, limitations and fears. When quieting the mind, you have clarity of thought, therefore, you’re receptive to the signs from your soul. Then your action step is to focus on the desired outcome, don’t procrastinate, and watch it flourish. Danny G.
All From Within
If you cannot find an answer to your sickness or circumstance, listen to your subconscious mind, for within it, lies whatever the conscious mind hasn’t grasped yet. Look for any misconceptions, fears or resentment. Then reprogram your subconscious mind with positive declarations of your new condition and life. Learn and understand your subconscious mind until it unites with your conscious mind. Then you’ll gain mastery over your challenges and life, and you’ll know every answer is from within. Danny D.
Shifting Your Beliefs and Expectations
Don’t focus merely on others’ beliefs and expectations, for they have their own agenda, and often it has nothing to do with you. Focus on shifting your beliefs and expectations for your desires and God’s will for your life. Your only control and power remains in I AM, not in others’ misconceptions of who they think you are. Danny G.
Let Success Rule
Failure becomes yours when you accept it in the core of your being. Failure becomes yours when you allow others to make you feel unworthy or inadequate. Let success rule your mind and soul, and be defined by the grandest version of who you are, not misconceptions of who you think you are. Danny G.
Optimal Success
When you think of God, make sure your thoughts emanate who he truly is, not misconceptions that are fabricated by men. It’s easy to let the thoughts of the world convince us otherwise, and allow others’ preconceptions to take root. Be the leader, choose your life path, and let God be who he truly is, a loving father who always has your best interest at heart, and who is always guiding you to your optimal success and victory. Danny G.