Let go of any preconceptions and misconceptions. Create your own story, make it your own, and allow the divine to guide you, lead you, and create a masterpiece in the midst of chaos and beauty. Danny G.
Faith in the Inevitable
Quiet your mind and let go of any preconceptions, misconceptions and contradictions. When you take a step back away from the noise or chaos of today, you’re receptive to all the answers you’re looking for. You’re receptive to all the good that is awaiting for you to claim yours. Your mind cannot have clarity with confusion, so reflect, surrender, and have faith in the inevitable. Danny G.
Creation and Illusions
At one point in time, you were so vibrant, so lively, so fun to be around. Then you let others turn you into someone you’re not. You allowed their lies and misconceptions to take root, as you allowed them to control you. Slowly and gradually, your worthiness and value slipped, into a pit so deep, their misconceptions became yours. After wondering in a drought for so long, and pondering life’s misconceptions of you, you took a deep pause of reflection and faith, and tossed aside your created illusion. You said all is well, at my father’s hand, and I’ve been dwelling in the illusionary land. I now declare my rightful land, as I seek within, from the father’s land. I don’t allow others to alter my course, nor do I allow the word of treachery and cruelty to rule me. I’ve been down this path before, I won it in my mind, so be it in life. Danny G.
Beneath the Frail Eyes
Most people won’t ask the question beneath those frail eyes. They’ll look and form their opinion with their lies. Everyone has a reason for the image they portray. Some people simply look at the surface, and disregard. A true healer says there’s much more beneath those frail eyes, and I choose to see what’s hidden on the inside. Danny G.
Your Power and Origin
You fail to care for yourself because you see yourself as unworthy and undeserving. You see yourself as frail, powerless, while allowing others to diminish your value. Understanding your power and origin is your very purpose of living, and you allowed others’ misalignment to convince you of everything you’re not. Accept you’re a work in progress bound to know yourself better, and accept you’re a work in progress bound to explore your origin and reason for being. Take a step back and realize your power is through the infinity that you are, not from others’ misconceptions, of who they think you are. Danny G.
Listen to You Not Them
You let others exhaust all the strength you had left. You allowed someone’s misalignment to make you feel broken. If you can take a step back, you’d learn the lesson is buried in the depth of your soul. You buried it with preconceived notions you received from others. Their misconceptions have nothing to do with you, but everything to do with them. If you simply listen, you’d learn the lesson is within the depth of your being. You’d learn nothing can steer you off course indefinitely, unless you let it. You’d learn no one can steer you off course indefinitely, unless you let them. Listen within and you’ll know who you are, and you’ll know what you came forth to be. Danny G.
A Helping Hand
It’s easy to acknowledge and respect someone when he’s wealthy, famous or highly regarded. The wise person says I’ll acknowledge and respect those who are lost, and whose lives have fallen apart. I’ll be the one to pull them back up, and give them a spring in their step. Who needs acceptance more than the other, the one who’s got it together? Or the one who’s lost, afraid and who feels rejected? Danny G.