What are your beliefs about God, the universe and the universal laws that govern humanity? Do you believe God is a vengeful God who punishes for his will to be done? A loving father who considers himself a spirit of love, compassion, and union wouldn’t call himself vengeful. Nor would he want us to create enormous pressure on ourselves with an unending demand to be perfect.
Some of us believe God is never satisfied with our current progress or life. We create a reality in our mind about the concept of God, which contradicts everything he is. What kind of situations or people would you attract considering beliefs ultimately create our reality?
God loves you as you are, because he created you as you are and he knew every mistake you would make in this lifetime. You don’t have to achieve perfection in order to have his blessings and approval, as we are all struggling with something.
Most of our beliefs stem from our earliest ancestors, and great teachers thousands of years ago. They’re great teachers, and they always will be, however, is the reality they faced over two thousand years ago our reality today?
I’m not denying the fact that the teachings are still insightful today and they can still be used to gain wisdom and improve our everyday living. The problem begins when we base everything on yesterday, and we don’t consider the fact that we have as many great teachers today as our earliest ancestors. Let’s accept the world is always changing and improving and that the great teachers of today are just as good as our earliest ancestors.
We also tell ourselves God must be feared, and we need this fear to coerce us into right doing. How about doing right because we want to improve our lives and improve humanity? We can do right because we know actions have consequences and we care about our well-being and the well-being of others. We can do right because we love God, and we know he has our best interest at heart, not because we fear God or the devil. We tell ourselves, if we die in sin, we must endure hell. God wouldn’t create you as you are and expect nothing but perfection.
If you choose to see God as he truly is, you will be motivated by love and not fear. You will be motivated because it’s the best choice, and not because of your fear of punishment or disapproval.