Wisdom and Open Mindedness

Intellect without wisdom doesn’t yield success. For you can be the the smartest person in the world, but if you lack wisdom, you’ll stumble wherever you go. What happens when you experience loss and grief? What happens when you face challenges and adversities? Can intellect alone help you when you are tested on your moral values? Intellect without wisdom will only get you so far. Your ego will only get you so far. But wisdom will guide you and teach you when you are lost and confused. Wisdom and open mindedness will keep you focused on your goals and dreams. 

Your Genuine Song

Those coincidences and serendipities all happen for your greater good and evolution. Don’t undermine the God or Goddess you are. Be open minded, and the world will mirror back your genuine song. Danny G. 

Always Rediscovering You

You’re always rediscovering yourself anew. Once you overcome one challenge, another one presents itself for your growth and expansion. Don’t fight the process, be open minded, and allow this challenge to be your next breakthrough. Danny G. 

Be Open Minded

When the student is ready, the teacher appears. The challenges we face brings us self awareness on whatever we need for expansion and personal growth. Be open minded, and the world will bring you the essence of whatever it is you’re seeking. Danny G. 

Embody It

Fill your heart and soul with the laws that govern humanity. Be open minded and see what resonates with your core. Whatever resonates with you, embody it, and whatever feels uneasy to you, let it go. A wise man knows how to study the teachings for his well being and his peace of mind. Danny G. 

Be Receptive

If you are serious about creating positive change, life will bring you to the next step. Be receptive to the signs from your soul. Be open, and know you open the doors through the divine being you are. You are divinity expressed in a physical body, and nothing is outside your reach. Danny G. 

Signs From Our Soul

Growth and our spiritual journey is essentially who we are. When we fight against it, or become complacent, we stunt our inner self and potential within. Expansion comes from listening to our inner guidance and wisdom. Expansion comes from recognizing our growth, and being receptive to the signs from our soul. It means being open minded and seeking inward while knowing there’s an infinite and limitless intelligence calling us forth. Danny G. 

Treading Mountains

Your greatest power is your imagination. Combine it with wisdom, an attentive ear, and an open mind and you’ll conquer anything. When your faith becomes stronger than your fear or doubt, you win the battle, and you know you can tread mountains before you. Danny G. 

Be Mindful and Open

Don’t allow the past to paint your future. Learn to let go, and embrace the new. When you live according to the past, you can never have true meaningful change, because your mind only recreates yesterdays. Be mindful and open, and in time you’ll see change unfolding from the new vision you created with your heart and soul. Danny G. 

Open Minded and Receptive

People can be your greatest teacher when you remain open minded and receptive. Allow the good to shape you, and allow the bad to teach you. Be your own judge as you assess what resonates with your core, and what is fabricated by men. Danny G.