Adversities As Opportunities

Whatever you do today paves the path and journey for tomorrow. When you’re at a crossroad, you have a choice. You can go down the slippery slope, or you can be productive the right way. Productivity, following your inspiration and passion is embracing the adversities as opportunities. Danny G. 

Turning Excuses to Faith

Do you want to make excuses or do you want to allow faith? Excuses creates more excuses. Excuses creates lack of abundance and success. Every time you feel the impulse to create an excuse, let it be a reminder of seeking faith. Let it inspire the gift within you. Let it motivate you to action. Let it remind you to turn excuses into building blocks. Danny G.  

Look for Opportunities

Instead of looking at impossibilities, and being pessimistic and bitter, look for opportunities. Sometimes opportunities come in disguise, but if you persist with faith and optimism, those  impossibilities turn into breakthroughs. Danny G. 

Your Opportunities Are Boundless

Don’t allow your environment to create your future, for you can be in the most detrimental, health or the most detrimental poverty, but if you dare to see yourself through the limitless divine, and infinite intelligence, your opportunities are boundless. Danny G. 

I Embrace the New

If you remain stuck on your closed doors, the opportunities cannot present themselves. Accept, learn and let go. This state of oblivion can be described as sleepwalking, unaware of all the great things waiting for you. Declare the past is learned history, and I embrace the new. Danny G. 

Opportunities Within the Challenge

The very thing you dread may be your greatest breakthrough if you look for opportunities within the challenge. Be optimistic, seek joy, peace and allow the challenge to speak to you. There are opportunities within every challenge. The opportunities may present themselves as greater abundance or harmonious relationships. Or it may be a greater perception that leads to greater success. Either way, you win through optimism and faith. Danny G. 

The Next Opportunity Within You

Some doors may always remain closed. Accept that and move forward towards your next opportunity within you. Don’t stare at the closed door persistently without a means to an end. Recognize those closed chapters and realize what lies before you. Persist, claim it yours until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G. 

Gift Within the Challenge

No matter how great the adversity may be, there is an opportunity if you dig deep to find its cause. There is a gift within the challenge, for you and all the lives you touch. You can allow the challenge to overtake you, or you can seek the opportunity and gift within. Danny G. 

Creating Life Anew

When you have the right mindset, adversities don’t consume you. With the the right mindset, challenges becomes opportunities for greater success and transformation. You have the right mindset by seeking inward and inner peace in the midst of chaos. This is where your power lies in the journey of creating life anew. Danny G. 

Surge Through

There will always be a next wave to ride. Wait patiently and at the ideal time, you’ll feel it. Embrace it, and be reminded that no matter how change seemed impossible at first, it’s now within your reach with your opportunity to surge through. Danny G.