At times genius lies in the ones you least expect. How many times has the so called illiterate broke boundaries, overcame great challenges and thrived? Through the adversities and challenges, the mind can be reshaped on a positive note or on a negative note. You choose how to reshape it. We are always changing and evolving. The body and mind you are now is not the same as 10 years ago or even 5 years ago. You change for your greater good by following your passion, engaging in rituals and educating yourself in a productive and positive way. Self medicating, being negative all the time and complaining only depletes your mental health. Stress takes a toll on your health, just as happiness and inner peace brings healing. Whatever you do for your well being contributes to greater self awareness and joy. Utilize your mental faculties the right way by growing in wisdom and intelligence. This is key to breaking your limitations and thriving. Danny G.
Listen Move Forward and Conquer
There are messages all around you. They keep prodding you to personal growth and to be the best you. Don’t ignore them until a brick hits you in the face. They will keep on getting louder and louder until you listen, move forward and conquer. Danny G.
Much More For You
When faced with great adversities, at times we think of merely survival, or just getting through. But God wants much more for you. Think about moving beyond it. Think about what’s on the other side of this adversity. Believe it in the core of your being, stand by it and watch it flourish. Danny G.
The Seeker In Me
I thank you, the seeker in me, for without seeking, I wouldn’t have asked those deep questions. Without asking those deep questions, I wouldn’t have received the answers. Without receiving the answers, I wouldn’t have overcome myself and moved beyond the challenge. Danny G.
Stepping Back Onboard
Don’t wait for the perfect season to chase your inspiration and calling. Detours and delays are inevitable, but stepping back onboard reveals your strength, potential and capabilities. The path will be shown to you with persistence and faith. Danny G.
A New Awakening
Embrace what is on the opposite side of fear. Embrace what you will do when you overcome the fear. When you conquer fear, you embrace your freedom, power and potential within. You realize what was once a negative is meant to strengthen you, motivate you and inspire you to a greater life and a new awakening. Danny G.
Inspired to Overcome
Our traumas and adversities are meant to lift us up, to awaken us and to inspire us to overcome. For when we do overcome and triumph, we become a testimony for those who need to be uplifted, awakened and inspired to overcome. Danny G.
Self Reliant to Conquer
Reprogramming the mind takes practice and persistence. It’s not a one time manifestation. Practice self discipline and self control. Declare that you’re self reliant to conquer all odds. Declare the overcomer you were always destined to be. Danny G.
Inner Reflection
Change from being a victim to being an overcomer. Your inner reflection changes your outer attraction. You were never meant to be a failure. Let go of misconceptions, embrace the new you and create your own reality. Danny G.
Remembrance in Your Soul
One of the greatest means of overcoming grief is gratitude and appreciation. Cry your tears, face your anger and frustration, but never forget what this life brought you. Be grateful for the smile, the laughter and the joy it brought you, and appreciate the remembrance in your soul. Danny G.