The Miraculous Journey

Quiet your mind enough to find that place of stillness, peace, and tranquility. Look passed those pessimistic eyes, and all the ugliness in the world. Your source says you can conquer anything, and your source says anything is possible. Repeat all is well, everything works together for good in the end, and nothing can prevent the course of your miraculous journey to unfold. Danny G.

Life Cycles Of Triumph

Be solution oriented, don’t be problem oriented. When you’re focused on the solution, you’re focused on faith, and possibilities. When you’re problem oriented, your mind cannot get passed challenge, and you find yourself in a pit that is difficult to overcome. Hold the vision in your mind of your breakthrough or success, and don’t allow the contradictions to steer you off course. Be aware everything comes from within, and when you find that place of stillness in the depth of your being, you know all is well, and everything works out for good in the end. You know in your soul that true inspiration and change is constantly unfolding for the miraculous life cycles of triumph. Danny G.

Your Inner Vision

You can convince yourself of anything if you persist. Everything stems from the vision you hold in your mind. Make sure it’s a vision of peace, happiness, and faith. Declare you’re an overcomer, and nothing can stand in your way. Create your own beliefs, and allow the reality you choose, to reflect your inner vision, calling, and purpose. Danny G.

Under My Feet

When the rock struck you sideways, know there’s purpose within the storm. No matter how dire it seems, don’t forget your worthiness and will. You’re a victor and overcomer, and you have always been. The storm is calling you to proclaim freedom and peace. Therefore, go forth, release your gifts and guiding light to the world. Say it’s under my feet, release the chains and claim it yours. Danny G.

The Best Outcome

There’s two types of premonitions, one foresees the worst outcome, and the other sees the best outcome. Don’t let the battle wear you out incessantly, speak to the mountain and declare your story and happy ending. With forbearance comes wisdom, and faith that cannot be shaken. Danny G.

Reclaim It Now

Maybe life didn’t turn out as you hoped, or you feel lost, confused and heartbroken. Perhaps you had much greater plans, and the challenges feel much beyond your reach. I can assure you God is with you when the sun sets, when the night turns dark, and the ground trembles beneath your feet. Believe in the God or Goddess that you are, claim your freedom and victory now, cast your faith in him, and he will cause you to triumph and overcome. Danny G.

Cast Your Faith

When all else fails, remember God has your back, and he’s breathing in your direction and leading. If it feels hopeless, know God favors you and anoints you to be you. For you are unique, and there’s no one quite like you. Don’t doubt the dreams or missions in your heart. Cast your faith in him, and he will cause you to triumph and overcome. Danny G. 

Bloom and Thrive

Acceptance, inner peace and joy, is being grateful where you currently stand, and realizing you have everything you need to fulfill your dreams. It’s being your best where you are with what you have, and knowing that nevertheless, despite all your surroundings, you can still bloom and thrive. Danny G.


There are those people who do exceptionally great with their lives, and there are those people who only tread water. The ones who did great always broke free from the cage, they spread their wings and soared. Danny G.

Boldly Declare and Thrive

Some people create by default without a care in the world, and bumble into opposition and trials. They then bow down overwhelmed by their current trouble and chaos. Others declare themselves as the deliberate creators they were born to be. They boldly declare their victory and triumph, as they set the stage for its arrival. They’re also aware an awakening is needed at times to overcome and thrive. Danny G.