Nothing Impossible With Faith

We allow problems to accumulate over time. We don’t pay attention to our subconscious mind, and we act on autopilot bringing more chaos into our lives. The challenges become so great, and they come in various forms. It’s easier to tackle an adversity in the earlier stages, or when they’re aren’t plenty. Be aware of your current thoughts in the present now, and know that even though the burden seems too great, nothing is impossible and nothing is beyond your reach, as you are a Phoenix, destined to triumph. Danny G. 

Challenge Yourself

Being challenged is part of life, but being overwhelmed can be exhausting at times. Find something that challenges you, but that doesn’t break you. Challenge yourself into motivation. Find your source of inspiration and self empowerment. From this space, growth is inevitable. Danny G. 

Choosing Peace

Inner peace is a choice. It’s choosing quietness over the chaos. It’s choosing stillness when overwhelmed. It’s choosing tranquility in a fast paced world. It takes practice and discipline, but when it’s achieved, you can be at peace under any and all conditions. Danny G. 

Return to Silence

When you feel overwhelmed beyond reason, or you feel the opposition pulling through, return to silence, your true medicine and healing. Silence doesn’t feel anger, fear or resentment. Silence returns to peace, faith and compassion. When you live from this space, you live like the true masters of our time. You can overcome any worldly calamities, and you have the intuition to shine through and conquer. Danny G. 

Causing You to Soar

Don’t allow the adversity to overwhelm you and cause you to surrender. Allow this challenge to mold you into the essence of who you truly are, and cause you to thrive. Nobody is without weaknesses, and the world is full of imperfections. Allow these imperfections to cause you to soar, high enough that the worldly calamities and treachery cannot touch you, as they remain far beyond and under your feet. Danny G. 

Success and Happiness

When your thoughts are scattered, and you feel overwhelmed beyond belief, allow the stimulation to lead you to greater joy and purpose. Don’t allow the overwhelming thoughts to consume you and confuse you. Let it catapult you to greater success, and happiness. Danny G. 

Mountain Top

Trust that your life is destined for greatness and happiness. Always remember that the storm will surge in from time to time, and the mountain top may seem insurmountable at times. But with the God or Goddess you are, nothing can pull you down, and nothing can intervene as you’re destined to triumph. Danny G.

Allow It to Redefine You

Don’t shrink back from overwhelming emotions out of fear or doubt. If you’re not ready, take a step back, but if it’s fear holding you back, allow it to redefine you, mold you and change you. Allow the bold creator you are to be brave in opposition, and create a beautiful piece of art. Danny G.

Boldly Declare and Thrive

Some people create by default without a care in the world, and bumble into opposition and trials. They then bow down overwhelmed by their current trouble and chaos. Others declare themselves as the deliberate creators they were born to be. They boldly declare their victory and triumph, as they set the stage for its arrival. They’re also aware an awakening is needed at times to overcome and thrive. Danny G.

Reflection and Refocusing

Sometimes we don’t learn the universal truths until the challenge is so great, it overwhelms us. Let’s spare time for reflection and refocusing even when life is great with no issues to bear. With contemplation and faith, it’s always enough to shift the tide in our favor. Just don’t wait until the storm is so great, it consumes you. Danny G.