Savor It

Moments pass, and years accumulate,

Into a world we once perceived. 

Nevertheless, it’s all creation

As though an artist paints and moves the clay.

We stand still, in silence, 

We can hear the music play,

The music plays in harmony

Of the present, past,

Smudges of paint

And some a masterpiece.

Some moments vanish,

But memories still remain, 

As we contemplate

Those distant memories again.

Some brings joy, 

And some sadness,

Always lessons and wisdom 

Contained within.

Let’s sit here, appreciate 

What it brought the journey within.

But let’s never forget

To savor it all,

And that includes the gift of today. Danny G.

Move Forward With Boldness

Don’t miss out on what’s right in front of you because you’re scared of the past repeating itself.  Accept the past with loving eyes, and move forward with boldness and a spring in your step. Know with complete awareness, all is well, and everything works out together for good, if you simply persist. Danny G.

Walking in Forgiveness

You walk unforgivably because you fail to see them for who they are. They are merely confused, clueless, and lost in the chaotic world of today. Everyone has a reason for who they are today, whether their present molds them or their past. Be the forgiving person who sees them for who they are, and the potential of who they can be. Danny G.

A Change in Progress

What was once a certainty, is now a question mark, as you outgrew each other and parted separate ways. As you reach this cross road, always keep in mind, you’re a change in progress, redefining the new. What was once a certainty, may today be a question mark, or the inevitable past. So don’t be alarmed, just embrace change, and redefine yourself in your newfound life. Danny G.